registration of legal entity

Cost of registration The cost of the second year Number of Directors Corporate tax rates Payment of Charter Capital Financial statements
3450.00 USD 2450.00 USD 1 32.00% No Yes
Cost of registrationПотому что...
The cost of the second year: 

The Republic of Namibia is located in southwest Africa on the Atlantic coast. The state borders with four countries, such as Botswana, Zambia, Angola and South Africa. Total area of Namibia is 783 000 km2. The capital is the city of Windhoek.

Namibia is recognized as one of the most picturesque countries in Africa. The country is favourably endowed with diversity of flora and fauna, rare combination of geological formations and natural landscapes, green foothills and desert sands, and these are the distinctive features of Namibia.

According to its administrative arrangement Namibia is divided into 13 regions. The number of population is about 2 million people.

The monetary unit is Namibian Dollar.
The official language is English.

The climate of Namibia is hot and humid, and rainy season is short, the sun shines almost 365 days per year.

Namibia is one of the richest countries in Africa. Nowadays, it is cost-effective and promising to register company in Namibia.

Forms of doing business

Registration of business in Namibia can be made in the following forms:

  • limited liability company (public or private);
  • company with unlimited liability;
  • partnership;
  • trust.

The most prevalent form of business in Namibia is private company with limited liability. In order to establish such company (with the number of employees less than 50 people), it is necessary:

  • Select the name of the company and approve it in the Register of Companies. If the name is considered appropriate, it will be placed in reserve for up to 60 days. 7-30 working days are required for validation and reservation of the name.
  • Make payment for the registration fees, that will be followed by the acquisition of revenue stamps in the Tax Authority.
  • Register the company with the participation of a lawyer and obtain a certificate, which will make it possible to conduct commercial activities.
  • Shareholder of the company in Namibia, local accountant or lawyer of the company shall submit Memorandum and Charter.

It is necessary to submit the following documents for company formation in Namibia with share capital:

  • Original of Memorandum with two notarized copies;
  • Official certificate of registration;
  • CM5 Form (that contains information on approved company name);
  • CM22 Form (confirms the fact of registration of the company’s office);
  • CM29 Form specifying the names of directors, auditors and employees;
  • CM46 Form (certificate of the commencement of commercial activities);
  • Confirmation of payment of the registration fee;
  • Application confirming the availability of sufficient capital for conducting planned business (shall be submitted to registrar).

Possible additional licenses that shall necessarily be obtained for conducting full-fledged activity of the company in Namibia:

- On transportation of cargo/people;

- On development and extraction of mineral resources;

- On import/export of goods;

- On sale of alcohol to shops or retail networks.  

Depending on the economic sectors, the procedure for obtaining license can have specific nuances.

Taxes in Namibia

  • Company in Namibia do not pay inheritance tax and gift tax.
  • Income derived from capital gains is not taxable.
  • Income tax for company in Namibia (excluding mining enterprises) is 32%.
  • The marginal tax rate for individuals is 36%.
  • Persons with incomes up to 20 000 Namibian dollars are exempt from income tax.

Mining companies in Namibia pay taxes with minimum rate of 25%.

Diamond-mining companies pay 55% tax.

Oil-producing and gas-producing companies are taxed at the rate of 32%.

For all types of companies there are special tax schemes, therefore, the tax rate can fluctuate.

Tax on import and production of goods is 5-15%.

VAT levied on goods and services can be calculated at zero or 15% rate (depending on the types of products).

Is there any item in your plans regarding company registration in Namibia? In this case we are ready to help you quickly register company (enterprise) in Namibia, that will be an excellent start of successful international business. Our highly qualified specialists will provide you with all the relevant information concerning offshore zones in Namibia. Registration of companies, trusts, partnerships in different countries is one of the leading directions of our work.

Set of documents
  • Ask our manager
Nominee director and shareholder
  • Ask our manager

General information
Population2 358 160.00
State polityRepublic
Telephone code264
Place in the world in corruption58
locationNorth Africa
ClimateHot and arid.
Literacy rate85.00%
Ethnic groupsMost of the population (80%) of the Bantu peoples - mostly Ovambo (over 50%), and the Herero (7%) and other tribes. Khoisan peoples - Nama (5%) and Bushmen (3%)
National currencyNamibian dollar
USD exchange rate10.08
GDP per capita129
Official languageEnglish (German, Afrikaans, Herero and Oshiwambo adopted national languages​​)
Corporate information
Opportunity to purchase ready-made companiesNo
The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the nameNo
Local registered officeNo
Local registered agentNo
Shares and share capital
The minimum amount of the issued capitalNo
Bearer sharesNo
Possibility to issue shares without par valueNo
Basic corporate tax rate32.00%
Capital gains taxNo
Currency controlNo
Stamp dutyNo
Director and Secretary
The requirement for residency directorsNo
Director of legal entities are allowedYes
The data reveals to the local agentYes
Data field to the public registryYes
The requirement for the presence of the SecretaryYes
Requirement to the residense of the SecretaryYes
Requirements to qualification of the SecretaryNo
Legal entity as the SecretaryYes
Shareholder and beneficiary
Data is entered in the public registerYes
Shareholders residency requirementNo
Information about the beneficiary is disclosedNo
Information may be disclosed to the local agentYes
Shareholders-legal entities are acceptableYes
The requirement for filing reportsYes
Open access to reportsNo
Statutory auditYes
The requirement for filing Annual ReturnYes
Open access to the Annual ReturnYes
The requirement for reportsYes
Membership in the OECDNo
Is it offshore according to Russian legislationNo
Trademark Registration
TM Comprehensive Study
First Class Additional Class
359.10 USD109.80 USD
TM Registration Request
First Class Additional Class
540.90 USD 468.00 USD
TM Registration Certificate
First Class Additional Class
0.00 0.00
First Class Additional Class
900.00 USD 577.80 USD
TM Comprehensive Study TM Registration Request TM Registration Certificate Total
First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class
359.10 109.80 540.90 468.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 USD 577.80 USD
«TRADEMARK» refers to «Wordmark», «Logo» or «Wordmark + Logo»

Prices include all professional and official fees. If the change of official duties or exchange rates prices may vary.

В Намибии сравнительная проверка проводиться только для словесной части Торговой Марки.