United Arab Emirates: trademark registration

Important stage of establishing business is registration of trademark as an intangible asset. Unfortunately, the UAE is not one of the countries that signed the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol thereto. Therefore, if you require trademark in Dubai or another emirate, it will be necessary to register it in the national patent office.

It should be noted that the procedure for registering trademark in the United Arab Emirates is not very simple and is long-term enough. The whole process can range from six months to two years (in most cases, from one year to one and a half), besides there are certain restrictions. Therefore, in order the trademark registration procedure in the UAE to be successfully completed, it is better to apply for help of specialists from our company.

In order to register trademark in the United Arab Emirates, natural persons should submit its image in electronic and printed form, certified translation of the text into Arabic, copy of the passport and document confirming the right to commercial activity in the country. Companies need to submit constituent documents.

The national database is primarily verified for possible similarities, and then the Ministry of Economics examines the submitted application.

After the examination, notification on registration of trademark is published in the official bulletin. There are 30 days for official statement of objections by third parties. When such objections are raised, there is another month for their resolution. And only after that the certificate is issued for the period of 10 years with the possibility of subsequent renewal for the same period.

Based on Islamic traditions in the UAE, it is prohibited to register trademarks that are related to alcoholic beverages, pork, services of night clubs and drinking establishments.

The cost of trademark registration in the United Arab Emirates

The data is relevant for today 23.03.2025 - 03:57

Country Comprehensive review Registration service Registration certificate Total
Trademark registration in UAE - United Arab Emirates
First class, Word mark OR Logo
120.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
120.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo:
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo
1820.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
1477.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo
3197.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
3197.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo5137.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo4794.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD


Step 1
Free Consultation *
During the free consultation, our experts will assist you in selecting the most optimal class under the ICGS
Step 2
Preliminary Check
Our lawyers will carry out an expert assessment of the emblem/logo/TM, ensuring it complies with the necessary requirements and the degree of resemblance between your trademark and already registered TM
Step 3
You can agree with us on the most convenient payment method
Step 6
Obtaining a Certificate
On request, the certificate of registration can be delivered to you via courier service
Step 5
The registrar reviews the application and attached documents; the procedure can be done without the client necessarily being present
Step 4
Submission of Documents
After completing a power of attorney, our specialists collect and prepare the necessary documents (including statement of use) and submit the application for trademark registration

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countries for registration of TM
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