registration of legal entity

Cost of registration The cost of the second year Number of Directors Corporate tax rates Payment of Charter Capital Financial statements
2950.00 USD 2750.00 USD 1 0.00% No No
Cost of registration
The cost of the second year: 

How to register company in the Cayman Islands

kaymanovy_ostrova.jpgThe Cayman Islands are the Overseas Territory of Great Britain and are located in the Caribbean Sea. The territory of the Cayman Islands consists of three parts. These are the islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman-Brac, and also Little Cayman.

The neighboring countries are such as Cuba (in the north), Mexico (in the west), and the Cayman Islands border with Belize, Guatemala and Honduras in the south-west, and Jamaica - in the southeast.

The basis of the state structure of the Cayman Islands is the principles of parliamentary democracy. The British Queen is the official head of state.

The administration of the islands is carried out by the appointed governor, who is elected for the term of four years.

Approximately 54 thousand people reside in the Cayman Islands.

Throughout the world, the Cayman Islands nowadays have the reputation of thriving offshore financial center. Several tens of thousands of companies are already registered on the islands. The banking sector is also developed (there are about 500 established banks). Offshore registration in the Cayman Islands is real opportunity to conduct and develop legitimate and profitable international business. Business in the Cayman Islands is gaining popularity.

The contemporary image of the Cayman Islands is exceptionally positive, and the reasons in favour of this are the following:

- unique conditions for the development of tourism (prolific climate, beautiful reefs, tropical thickets);

- extremely low crime rate;

- modern developed infrastructure;

- low taxes;

- political stability.

It is not surprising, however, that the basis of the economy of the state is the travel industry.

Registration of offshore company in the Cayman Islands: Main provisions

The most optimal form of offshore company in the Cayman Islands is the Exempt Company.

The legislative framework

There are the Law "On Companies" (1961) and amendments thereto.

Features of offshore company in the Cayman Islands:

  • Any legal activity is allowed. Banking, insurance or reinsurance, and trust spheres of activities are subject to special licensing;
  • It is prohibited to:

- own real estate in the territory of jurisdictions,

- conduct commerce with residents,

- engage resident companies in offshore management in the Cayman Islands.

  • Registration of the company in the Cayman Islands takes about 48 hours after submission of all required documents;
  • The name of the company shall be unique and can not be identical or similar to those already existing names. Registration of the name can be carried out in any language, but translation into English is required;
  • Registration of offshore company in the Cayman Islands is carried out upon the availability of the following documents:

- Charter;

- Memorandum of Establishment.

  • The address of the registered company shall be located in the territory of the Cayman Islands. The correspondence from government authorities will come to it;
  • Minimum authorized capital is CI $ 40000. It is divided into 4,000 shares (nominal of each one is CI $ 10). There are no requirements concerning compulsory payment of the authorized capital;
  • Issue of registered shares and bearer shares with value in any currency is allowed;
  • Residents of any country of the world, legal entities and natural persons can become offshore shareholders in the Cayman Islands. Minimum number of shareholders is one;
  • Residents of any country of the world, legal entities and natural persons can become directors of the company. Offshore can be managed by one director endowed with all rights, except for those belonging to shareholders;
  • The shareholders' meetings can be held anywhere in the world, including by telephone. The storage of the minutes of meetings is allowed at any place specified in the documents regarding establishment;
  • The meeting of the directors of the company should be held at least once a year;
  • Constituent and financial documents can be stored in any state of the world;
  • Confidentiality of data concerning shareholders and directors of the company in the Cayman Islands contained in the constituent documents is guaranteed. Access to information can be permitted only upon the appropriate decision of the judicial authority, if it was proved that the company was involved in supporting terrorist organizations, selling drugs, illegal arms sales, money laundering;
  • The selection of banks and the number of accounts are not limited. Banking transactions are confidential.

Taxes in the Cayman Islands

There is no income tax, capital gains tax and tax on allocated dividends. The term of exemption is 20 years.

Such annual fees are paid as:
- CI $ 410, if the capital equals up to CI $ 40,000;

- CI $ 574, if the amount of capital ranges from CI $ 40.000 to 1.700. 000;

- CI $ 1.435 for amounts exceeding CI $ 1,700. 000.

Bookkeeping in the Cayman Islands

  • Accounting is not maintained;
  • Annual report does not need to be submitted.

Nowadays, it is possible to buy offshore in the Cayman Islands cost-efficiently. The registration of offshore companies in the Cayman Islands is one of the main directions of our work. If necessary, our specialists will provide additional information about the offshore zones in the Cayman Islands.

We will help you register offshore company in the Cayman Islands quickly and legally. And we will also provide assistance with business registration in the Cayman Islands.

Set of documents
  • Certificate of incorporation 
  • Minutes of the first Meeting of the Subscribers  
  • Memorandum of Association  
  • Articles of Association 
  • Apostille of the bound set of copies of constitutive documents  
  • Minutes of the first Meeting of Directors 
  • Appointment of First Directors 
  • Register of Directors and Officers 
  • Register of member 
  • Notification of change of Directors or Officers (Уведомление о смене Директоров или Должностных лиц)
  • Share Certiciates (Сертификат Акций)
  • First sole director's resolutions (Решения Первого Единоличного Директора)
  • Unanimous Written Resolutions (Единогласные письменные решения)
Nominee director and shareholder
  • Resolution effecting the issuing the Power of Attorney 
  • Apostilled Power of Attorney 
  • Consent Letter 
  • Director Resignation Letter
  • Nominee Director’s Declaration 
  • Resolution effecting the change Director 
  • Directors Resignation 
  • Deed of Trust 
  • Instrument of Transfer 

General information
Population52 560.00
CapitalGeorge Town (on Grand Cayman)
Telephone code1 345
locationCaribbean, three-island group (Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, Little Cayman) in Caribbean Sea, 240 km south of Cuba and 268 km northwest of Jamaica
ClimateTropical marine; warm, rainy summers (May to October) and cool, relatively dry winters (November to April)
Literacy rate98.00%
Ethnic groupsMixed 40%, white 20%, black 20%, expatriates of various ethnic groups 20%
USD exchange rate0.82
GDP per capita14
Credit ratingN/R
The judiciarySupreme Court, Court of Appeal of the Cayman Islands, the Disciplinary Court
Executive authorityHead of government: Prime Minister. Government: Cabinet (six members appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Prime Minister, elected from among the members of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative authoritiesunicameral Legislative Assembly (20 seats)
Corporate information
Opportunity to purchase ready-made companiesNo
Legal systemBased on English Common Law
The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the nameNo
Local registered officeNo
Organizational and Legal FormsOrdinary Resident Company, Ordinary Non-Resident Company, Exempted Company, Exempted Limited Duration Company
Indication of BPA in the nameExempted Company does not have to have an end, indicating limited responsible
Local registered agentNo
Shares and share capital
Standard currencyCaymanian dollar
Information about the beneficiary is disclosed1
The minimum amount of the issued capital1
Bearer sharesNo
The usual size of the authorized capital50000
Possibility to issue shares without par valueNo
Basic corporate tax rate0.00%
Capital gains taxNo
Currency controlNo
Stamp dutyNo
Director and Secretary
Minimum number of directors1
The requirement for residency directorsNo
Director of legal entities are allowedYes
The data reveals to the local agentNo
Data field to the public registryNo
The requirement for the presence of the SecretaryNo
Requirement to the residense of the SecretaryNo
Requirements to qualification of the SecretaryNo
Legal entity as the SecretaryNo
Shareholder and beneficiary
Data is entered in the public registerYes
Shareholders residency requirementNo
Information about the beneficiary is disclosedNo
Information may be disclosed to the local agentYes
Shareholders-legal entities are acceptableYes
The requirement for filing reportsNo
Open access to reportsNo
Statutory auditNo
The requirement for filing Annual ReturnNo
Open access to the Annual ReturnNo
The requirement for reportsNo
Treaty on avoidance of double taxation (States which signed)12
Membership in the OECDNo
Is it offshore according to Russian legislationYes
Trademark Registration
TM Comprehensive Study
First Class Additional Class
135.00 USD81.00 USD
TM Registration Request
First Class Additional Class
783.00 USD 171.00 USD
TM Registration Certificate
First Class Additional Class
0.00 0.00
First Class Additional Class
918.00 USD 252.00 USD
TM Comprehensive Study TM Registration Request TM Registration Certificate Total
First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class
135.00 81.00 783.00 171.00 0.00 0.00 918.00 USD 252.00 USD
«TRADEMARK» refers to «Wordmark», «Logo» or «Wordmark + Logo»

Prices include all professional and official fees. If the change of official duties or exchange rates prices may vary.

In order to register any trademark in the Cayman Islands, you must have a previously registered trademark in the UK, OHIM or an international registration with protected status in the UK. Then you need to indicate this when applying for a comprehensive study of the trademark, and the registration of the trademark. After registration of a trademark in the Cayman Islands, an annual fee must be paid - each January 1 following the year of the registration. This annual fee can be paid each year – $ 690 ($ 165 for an extra class), or in full up to the renewal date – $ 2945 ($ 1,375 for an extra class).