Liechtenstein - Anstalt :
registration of legal entity
Cost of registration | The cost of the second year | Number of Directors | Corporate tax rates | Payment of Charter Capital | Financial statements |
6850.00 EUR | 3520.00 EUR | 1 | 12.50% | 30000.00 | Yes |
Company registration in Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein is an attractive jurisdiction for foreign investors tending to start a new business according to the following parameters:
Dwarf Western European state, located between Austria and Switzerland, is known mainly due to the status of its capital. The city of Vaduz is the most important world financial center, connected with influential cities around the world. Selection of the form of incorporationThe process of company registration will not take much time if the required documentation is properly prepared and verified. Entrepreneurs should select the appropriate type of company to determine various aspects, such as share capital, scope of activity and shareholder status. Available organizational and legal forms:
It is planned to introduce one more organizational and legal form - the European cooperative society. The project is under consideration. Company registration in accordance with 4 stepsStep 1. Develop and notarize the charter of the company. Step 2. Open a corporate bank account. Step 3. Deposit the statutory capital that meets the requirements. Step 4. Registration in the Public and State Registries. If the annual turnover of the company exceeds 100,000 euros, registration with the Tax Department is necessary. Competent planning and availability of all documents will allow to complete the incorporation process within a week. Economic overviewThe country is on the second place in the world in terms of economic development (GDP - 141, 1 thousand US dollars per capita).
The annual turnover is more than 10,000 Swiss francs. The VAT rate is one of the smallest (8%), and in certain cases a reduced rate (2.5% for food, beverages, medicines, auctions) is applied. Special union with Switzerland has been concluded, which opens access to the world's largest markets.
For more information and assistance in registering a company, contact the lawyers of Law&Trust International. |
Set of documents | |
Nominee director and shareholder | |
General information
Square | 160.40 |
Population | 36 713.00 |
Capital | Vaduz |
Unemployment | 1.50 |
State polity | Constitutional monarchy |
Telephone code | 423 |
location | Central Europe |
Climate | Continental; cold, cloudy winters with frequent snow or rain; cool to moderately warm, cloudy, humid summers; avg. maximum temperature (July) +27°; avg. minimum temperature (January) +13° |
Literacy rate | 100.00% |
Ethnic groups | Liechtensteiner 65.6%, other 34.4% |
National currency | Swiss franc CHF |
USD exchange rate | 0.91 |
GDP per capita | 1 |
Official language | German |
Credit rating | N/R |
The judiciary | The Supreme Court and the Supreme Court |
Executive authority | The Prime Minister, who also belong to the functions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Finance, his deputies and three so-called government adviser |
Legislative authorities | Diet, which consists of 25 members |
Opportunity to purchase ready-made companies | Yes |
Legal system | Civil Law. Based on Swiss and Austrian law with local adaptations. |
The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the name | No |
Local registered office | Yes |
Organizational and Legal Forms | Aktiengesellschaft - AG Ltd (Company Limited by Shares) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbH (Private Limited Company without Shares) Anstalt (Establishment, commercial and Non-commercial without shares) Stiftung (Foundation) Treuunternehmen (Registered Trust) Treuhandschaft (Trust) |
Terms of registration | 3 - 5 days |
Indication of BPA in the name | Aktiengesellschaft - AG Ltd or SA Ltd.; Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbH.; Anstalt - Establishment |
Prohibited expressions in the name | National and international geographical names; Liechtenstein, State, Country, Municipality, Principality; Bank, Building Society, Savings, Insurance, Assurance, Reinsurance, Fund Management, Investment Fund, Red Cross |
Local registered agent | Yes |
The information required to be kept at the registered office | Details of directors, officials and shareholders; annual report (for medium and large companies) |
Standard currency | EURO |
Information about the beneficiary is disclosed | 30000 |
The minimum amount of paid-in capital, nat. currency | 30000 |
The minimum amount of the issued capital | 30000 |
Bearer shares | No |
Terms of payment of the issued capital | Before registering |
The usual size of the authorized capital | CHF 30000 |
Terms of capital payment | Before registering |
Possibility to issue shares without par value | No |
VAT | Yes |
Basic corporate tax rate | 12.50% |
Capital gains tax | Yes |
Withholding tax | 4% |
Currency control | No |
The tax on personal income | up to 17,01% |
Corporate tax rates details | from 0,5% to 12,5%, maximum rate 20%. Update February 2018: Minimum tax of CHF 1,800 applies (except for small businesses). |
Stamp duty | Yes |
Other taxes | Capital tax, real estate tax |
Minimum number of directors | 1 |
The requirement for residency directors | Yes |
Director of legal entities are allowed | Yes |
The data reveals to the local agent | Yes |
Data field to the public registry | Yes |
Meeting / regularity / place | No restrictions |
The requirement for the presence of the Secretary | No |
Requirement to the residense of the Secretary | No |
Requirements to qualification of the Secretary | No |
Legal entity as the Secretary | No |
Minimum number of shareholders | 1 |
Data is entered in the public register | Yes |
Shareholders residency requirement | No |
Information about the beneficiary is disclosed | Yes |
Information may be disclosed to the local agent | Yes |
Shareholders-legal entities are acceptable | Yes |
Meeting / regularity / place | No restrictions |
The requirement for filing reports | Yes |
Open access to reports | No |
Statutory audit | Yes |
The requirement for filing Annual Return | No |
Open access to the Annual Return | No |
The requirement for reports | Yes |
Treaty on avoidance of double taxation (States which signed) | 12 |
Membership in the OECD | Yes |
Is it offshore according to Russian legislation | No |
TM Comprehensive Study | TM Registration Request | TM Registration Certificate | Total | ||||
First Class | Additional Class | First Class | Additional Class | First Class | Additional Class | First Class | Additional Class |
530.00 | N/A | 1640.00 | 140.00 | 320.00 | 0.00 | 2490.00 EUR | 140.00 EUR |
«TRADEMARK» refers to «Wordmark», «Logo» or «Wordmark + Logo» | |||||||
Prices include all professional and official fees. If the change of official duties or exchange rates prices may vary. В Лихтенштейне пошлина на подачу заявления о демонстрации торговой марки включает в себя 3 класса. После третьего класса будет применима дополнительная пошлина. Сравнительная проверка проводиться только для словесной части Торговой Марки. |