registration of legal entity

Cost of registration The cost of the second year Number of Directors Corporate tax rates Payment of Charter Capital Financial statements
6880.00 EUR 3980.00 EUR 1 12.50% 50000.00 Yes
Cost of registrationПотому что...
The cost of the second year: 

Company registration in Liechtenstein

Specialists of the company Law & Trust International offers favorable conditions for registration of offshore companies in Liechtenstein. Among the main advantages of starting business in the territory of the State, there are low tax rates and loyal legislation in relation to the non-resident businessmen.

Registration of the company in Liechtenstein takes about two weeks, if all the documents of the applicant are in good order and proper form from a legal point of view. Collection of the documentation package, as well as its recheck and preparation for transfer to the foreign jurisdiction are carried out by the company’s lawyers.

Registration of company in Liechtenstein: Key aspects

  1. For non-resident citizens of any republic registration of such organizational and legal form of business as limited liability company (Aktiengesellschaft - AG) is available. The scope of activities of this type of offshore company in Liechtenstein is governed by local regulation, which was drawn up in 1926 - Personen und Gesellschaftsrecht mit dem Gesetz über das Treuhandunternehmen.  
  2. Registration of offshore company in Liechtenstein requires the existence in the territory of the state of the managing office with a minimum number of employees and the Board of Directors. Appointment of directors is the prerogative of the founder, but one of the managers shall have the citizenship of the country.
  3. Jurisdiction of the state guarantees strict observance of the privacy policy, thus the information about managers of offshore company in Liechtenstein is not publicly known, and it can be disclosed to third parties only by court decision.
  4. List of directors of any company in Liechtenstein is open, but information on shareholders is classified and can not be disclosed.
  5. Businessmen who are residents, as well as legal persons from other countries, are obliged to keep accounting records and records on personal income tax, even in case they are not subject to obligatory taxation. Annual report implies the presence of accounting services and audit of business.
  6. Registration of business in Liechtenstein is associated with the collection of considerable package of documentation, and after the formation of business all the constituent documents are required to be deposited with one of the participants of the company's management sector.
  7. Starting business in Liechtenstein allows to establish partnership relations with Luxembourg and Austria. The Principality has agreements for the suppression of double taxation with these two countries.
  8. There is no currency control for all entrepreneurs throughout the country , which provides the right to conduct transactions of any scale within the constraints of a particular bank.

Registering company in Liechtenstein: requirements for Aktiengesellschaft

  1. Liechtenstein offshore zone implies the contribution of minimum charter capital in the amount of 50,000 Swiss francs. The abovementioned amount shall be paid to the account of one of the banks in the territory of the state before submission of application for registration for consideration.
  2. Offshore company in Liechtenstein shall have the right to use ordinary shares, preferred shares, bearer shares and shares with and without voting rights.
  3. The company shall have one director and one shareholder. The said persons may belong to the category of both natural and legal persons. One of the directors should be the resident of the state.
  4. In order to register company in Liechtenstein, it is necessary to create a unique name. The company name shall include the abbreviation SA or AG at the end.
  5. All companies registered in the territory of the State are required to pay annual fixed fee in the amount of 1200 Swiss francs. For onshores, the tax rate is 12.5% of the amount of the annual income.

You can apply for detailed consultation concerning registration of companies in the offshore jurisdictions by means of phone of Law&Trust’s office. The lawyers can hold private meetings, and free consultations are available for each client. On weekends, the application can be submitted online.

Set of documents
  • Ask our manager
Nominee director and shareholder
  • Ask our manager

General information
Population36 713.00
State polityConstitutional monarchy
Telephone code423
locationCentral Europe, between Austria and Switzerland
ClimateContinental; cold, cloudy winters with frequent snow or rain; cool to moderately warm, cloudy, humid summers; avg. maximum temperature (July) +27°; avg. minimum temperature (January) +13°
Literacy rate100.00%
Ethnic groupsLiechtensteiner 65.6%, other 34.4%
National currencySwiss franc CHF
USD exchange rate0.91
GDP per capita1
Official languageGerman
Credit ratingN/R
The judiciaryThe Supreme Court and the Supreme Court
Executive authorityThe Prime Minister, who also belong to the functions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Finance, his deputies and three so-called government adviser
Legislative authoritiesDiet, which consists of 25 members
Corporate information
Opportunity to purchase ready-made companiesYes
Legal systemCivil Law. Based on Swiss and Austrian law with local adaptations.
The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the nameNo
Local registered officeYes
Organizational and Legal Forms• Joint-stock company (Aktiengesellschaft, AG) • Private company with limited liability (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH) • Anstalt (Anstalt) • Trust Company (registriertes Treuunternehmen / Trust reg.) • Foundation (Stiftung) • Trust (Treuhänderschaft) • Simple association (Kollektivgesellschaft) • Limited partnership (Kommanditgesellschaft) • Cooperative (Genossenschaft) • Joint venture (Einfache Gesellschaft) • Individual entrepreneur • Branch
Terms of registration5-10 days
Indication of BPA in the nameAktiengesellschaft (AG) or the equivalent in a foreign language, such as SA
Prohibited expressions in the nameNational and international geographical names; Liechtenstein, State, Country, Municipality, Principality; Bank, Building Society, Savings, Insurance, Assurance, Reinsurance, Fund Management, Investment Fund, Red Cross
Local registered agentYes
The information required to be kept at the registered officeDetails of directors, officials and shareholders; annual report (for medium and large companies)
Shares and share capital
Standard currencyEURO
Information about the beneficiary is disclosed50000
The minimum amount of paid-in capital, nat. currency50000
The minimum amount of the issued capital50000
Bearer sharesYes
Terms of payment of the issued capitalBefore registering
The usual size of the authorized capitalCHF 50,000
Terms of capital paymentBefore registering
Possibility to issue shares without par valueYes
Basic corporate tax rate12.50%
Capital gains taxYes
Withholding tax4%
Currency controlNo
The tax on personal incomeup to 17.01%
Corporate tax rates detailsFrom 0,5% to 12,5%, maximum rate 20%. Update February 2018: Minimum tax of CHF 1,800 applies (except for small businesses).
Stamp dutyYes
Other taxesCapital tax, real estate tax
Director and Secretary
Minimum number of directors1
The requirement for residency directorsYes
Director of legal entities are allowedYes
The data reveals to the local agentYes
Data field to the public registryYes
Meeting / regularity / placeNo restrictions
The requirement for the presence of the SecretaryNo
Requirement to the residense of the SecretaryNo
Requirements to qualification of the SecretaryNo
Legal entity as the SecretaryNo
Shareholder and beneficiary
Minimum number of shareholders2
Data is entered in the public registerNo
Shareholders residency requirementNo
Information about the beneficiary is disclosedYes
Information may be disclosed to the local agentNo
Shareholders-legal entities are acceptableYes
Meeting / regularity / placeYes / annually / no restrictions
The requirement for filing reportsYes
Open access to reportsNo
Statutory auditYes
The requirement for filing Annual ReturnNo
Open access to the Annual ReturnNo
The requirement for reportsYes
Treaty on avoidance of double taxation (States which signed)12
Membership in the OECDYes
Is it offshore according to Russian legislationYes
Trademark Registration
TM Comprehensive Study
First Class Additional Class
530.00 EURN/A
TM Registration Request
First Class Additional Class
1640.00 EUR 140.00 EUR
TM Registration Certificate
First Class Additional Class
320.00 0.00
First Class Additional Class
2490.00 EUR 140.00 EUR
TM Comprehensive Study TM Registration Request TM Registration Certificate Total
First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class
530.00 N/A 1640.00 140.00 320.00 0.00 2490.00 EUR 140.00 EUR
«TRADEMARK» refers to «Wordmark», «Logo» or «Wordmark + Logo»

Prices include all professional and official fees. If the change of official duties or exchange rates prices may vary.

В Лихтенштейне пошлина на подачу заявления о ремонстрации торговой марки включает в себя 3 класса. После третьего класса будет применима дополнительна пошлина. Сравнительная проверка проводиться только для словесной части Торговой Марки.