registration of legal entity

Cost of registration The cost of the second year Number of Directors Corporate tax rates Payment of Charter Capital Financial statements
7460.00 EUR 4980.00 EUR 3 19.26% 30987.00 Yes
Cost of registration
The cost of the second year: 

Company registration in Luxembourg


Luxembourg is a small European country that compensates for the size of its territories with broad business opportunities.

It is located in the heart of Europe, which allowed to establish close business ties in the largest EU markets. The state is open to direct investment to the maximum extent, which attracts international business.

Luxembourg is a world-famous financial center with thousands of funds. Its stock and equity market is the second largest in the world.

The funds of Luxembourg are divided into 3 categories:

  • UCI (collective investment institution);
  • UCITS (organization of collective investment in negotiable securities, intended for retail investors);
  • SIF (specialized investment).

These categories are not subject to fiscal obligations on income and capital gains. They are also exempt from stamp duty on transactions with shares.

Incorporation in accordance with 7 steps

  1. Selection of brand name.
  2. Providing information on activities.
  3. Opening of a corporate bank account.
  4. Contribution of authorized capital.
  5. Notarization of the relevant documents.
  6. Entering data into the Commercial Register.
  7. Assignment of TIN.

The procedure of incorporation in Luxembourg is simplified as much as possible for both local and foreign investors.

Favourable organizational and legal forms

Private Limited Liability Company (S.A.R.L.) - minimum capital is 31000 euros, during the registration period only 25% are paid. It is allowed to issue different types of shares (preferred, with / without voting rights, ordinary). Mandatory presence of the director, residence of whom does not matter. Nominee service is allowed. Taxes up to 29, 63%.

Public Limited Liability Company (SA) - minimum capital is fully paid in the amount of 12,500 euros. It is allowed to issue various types of shares (preferred, with / without voting rights, ordinary). It is necessary to have a director whose residency does not matter. Nominee service is allowed. Taxes do not overcome the indicator of 29, 63%.

Basic requirements for registration

Any company registered in Luxembourg is required to have certain documents confirming the validity of the legal entity in the Grand Duchy. It is necessary to develop a charter, and for founding members - it is necessary to provide samples of signatures, passport copies and other documents.

All the prepared documentation is translated by a certified translator and notarized. Data on the enterprise are published in the local information press.

Minimum statutory contribution must be paid to the corporate account. Entrepreneurial activity should be carried out through the main office.

Advantages of investing in Luxembourg

In terms of global economic crisis, Luxembourg manages to maintain stability. The economy of the country is based on several types of entrepreneurial activity: financial services, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, communications and logistics, import and export.

Most of all, jurisdiction is attractive with regard to favourable tax and legal regimes. Foreign companies receive cost-efficient fiscal rate due to the double taxation agreement concluded by the Grand Duchy with numerous world economic centers.

High quality of life in the state is a fertile ground for the development of new projects and large corporations.


Working with our experts, you will be able to open and register a company in Luxembourg as soon as possible. For additional questions, please contact Law&Trust International.

Set of documents
  • Check with managers
Nominee director and shareholder
  • Check with managers

General information
Square2 586.00
Population509 074.00
State polityConstitutional monarchy
Telephone code352
Place in the world in corruption11
locationWestern Europ
ClimateModified continental with mild winters, cool summers; avg. maximum temperature (July) +24°; avg. minimum temperature (January) -3°
Literacy rate100.00%
Ethnic groupsLuxembourger 63.1%, Portuguese 13.3%, French 4.5%, Italian 4.3%, German 2.3%, other EU 7.3%, other 5.2%
National currencyEuro
USD exchange rate0.75
GDP per capita3
Official languageLuxembourgish (national language), German (administrative language), French (administrative language)
Credit ratingAAA
The judiciaryThe Constitutional Court, Courts and Tribunals (Supreme Court of Justice, including the Court of Appeal, the Court of Cassation, two areas of the Tribunal, the Tribunal three); administrative courts and tribunals. Judges of all courts are appointed by the
Executive authorityHead of government: Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister. Government: Council of Ministers appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
Legislative authoritiesThe Chamber of Deputies (60 seats)
Corporate information
Opportunity to purchase ready-made companiesYes
Legal systemCivil Law
The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the nameNo
Local registered officeYes
Indication of BPA in the nameSociété Anonyme, SA or AG
Prohibited expressions in the nameBank, Building Society, Savings, Insurance, Assurance, Reinsurance, Fund Management, Investment Fund
Local registered agentNo
The information required to be kept at the registered officeregister of shareholders
Shares and share capital
Standard currencyEuro
Information about the beneficiary is disclosed30,990 euro
The minimum amount of paid-in capital, nat. currency30,990 euro
The minimum amount of the issued capital30,990 euro
Bearer sharesNo
Terms of payment of the issued capital25%, payable before incorporation
The usual size of the authorized capital31000 euro
Terms of capital paymentNo restrictions
Usual nominal value of shares100 euro
Possibility to issue shares without par valueYes
Basic corporate tax rate19.26%
Capital gains taxYes
Withholding taxDividends - 15% (but maybe reduction or exemption); interest and royalties - no
Currency controlNo
The tax on personal incomeProgressive scale of rates to 39%
Corporate tax rates detailsRate reduced from 19% to 18% as from 1 January 2018. 18% rate applies to companies whose taxable income exceeds EUR 30,000; 15% rate applies if taxable income does not exceed EUR 25,000. Surtax of 7% contributed to unemployment fund and municipal business tax also apply.
Stamp dutyYes
Other taxesCouncil tax on commercial activities (6% - 12%); property tax (0.5% of the operating assets); the real estate tax; property transfer tax
Director and Secretary
Minimum number of directors3
The requirement for residency directorsNo
Director of legal entities are allowedYes
The data reveals to the local agentYes
Data field to the public registryYes
Meeting / regularity / placeNo restrictions
The requirement for the presence of the SecretaryNo
Requirement to the residense of the SecretaryNo
Requirements to qualification of the SecretaryNo
Legal entity as the SecretaryNo
Shareholder and beneficiary
Minimum number of shareholders1
Data is entered in the public registerYes
Shareholders residency requirementNo
Information about the beneficiary is disclosedYes
Information may be disclosed to the local agentYes
Shareholders-legal entities are acceptableYes
Meeting / regularity / placeYes / annually / as defined in the statute
The requirement for filing reportsYes
Open access to reportsYes
Statutory auditNo
The requirement for filing Annual ReturnNo
Open access to the Annual ReturnNo
The requirement for reportsYes
Treaty on avoidance of double taxation (States which signed)62
Membership in the OECDNo
Is it offshore according to Russian legislationNo
Trademark Registration