Investment License | Law&Trust International

Investment Banking License

Investment activity comprises the process of contributing funds in investment facilities, as well as other actions that are aimed at gaining of profit. It can be purchasing and selling securities, realty under construction or ready-made real estate, etc.

Investments are usually understood as funds, intellectual resources (know-how, special knowledge), intangible and tangible assets (property rights, permits) that serve as an object of investing in a particular project with subsequent benefits for the investor.

Licensing of investment activities is necessary in the case of management of investment funds (including mutual investment funds) and pension non-government funds, as well as activities of specialized depositories of such funds.

How to Get an Investment License

License for investment activity is a permission that provides the right to engage in certain type of financial activity, issued by the state body of the country specially authorized for the foregoing. One of the types of licensed financial activity is investment activity.

Foreign investment licensing for non residents is quite problematic, as it is considerably complicated and time-consuming procedure.

In most cases, the state carries out thorough verification of the applicant company, its activities and the owners' identities. Personal presence in the state licensing bodies is often required.

However, if you apply to the specialists of Law&Trust International, we will take care of all these issues.

Our company has been providing intermediary services in obtaining license for investment activities abroad for a long time and has many positive experiences.

Qualified specialists of the company will collect the necessary documents and submit them to the appropriate state authority, and they will personally communicate with officials.

We set a goal to help you accomplish all the procedures at the first attempt in a short time and obtain investment license abroad with the least cost.

Cost of Investment License

In many countries, there is no fee for issuing investment license, but there may be annual fee to be paid.

The amount of such fee is constantly changing, and it often becomes more expensive. The amount of remuneration for the provision of services by Law&Trust International depends on the country of licensing, and specific price can be clarified by phone at the specified site.

Procedure for Obtaining InvestmentLicense

In order to obtain investment license, the application is filed with the state licensing authority supplemented by all the necessary documents. The decision to issue license or refuse to grant license is taken with approximately 45 days from the date of submission of the application.

The license for conducting investment activity is issued for the period of five years. Upon the application of the person holding the license, the term of its validity may be renewed. After renewal of the term of validity, the license becomes permanent, unless particular validity period is specified.

The application should be submitted to the licensing authority not later than 30 days before the license expires.

Separate jurisdictions and types of financial licenses have their own peculiarities.

Sometimes one mistake in the preparation of documents can become the reason for refusing to issue license. Moreover, already paid state duties and fees in such cases are usually not returned.

Therefore, it is in your best interests to involve professionals from our law firm who have successful experience in obtaining various licenses, that will save your time and money. Welcome to Law&Trust International!


Obtaining investment license in Australia


Investment license in Australia covers many areas of financial activity. It is necessary for both microcredit organizations, and brokers or insurance companies. Granting of loans, provision of intermediary services in the forex markets and other operations related to the storage or management of the clients’ capital should be licensed.

Company Law&Trust offers services for issuing permissions for investment activities in Australia for all categories of persons from any country. Professional lawyers have thorough knowledge of the jurisdiction of this state, which speeds up the process of issuing the certificate. Availability of free consultations gives clients the opportunity to clarify all the stages of obtaining permissions for financial activities.

Obtaining investment license in Belize


License for investment activities in Belize or Foreign Exchange License gives the applicant counterparty the opportunity to carry out the following operations in the territory of the jurisdiction:

  • Providing brokerage services to local clients and non-residents, including for multicurrency transactions;
  • Trading on the market of securities and shares;
  • Granting loans to clients and providing services for collective financial maintenance;
  • Engaging in insurance activities, management and/or protection of assets.

Obtaining Investment License in Cyprus


Permission for investment activities in Cyprus is necessary for any company that plans to develop its business in the territory of the EU. Cyprus is one of the few jurisdictions where obtaining certificate is associated with relatively low rate of expenses.

The state considers standard package of documents, which includes all personal data of beneficial owners, information on the origin of funds for opening of the statutory account, as well as strategy of expansion of the corporation. Business plan should focus on the benefits and advantages for economic sector of Cyprus related to establishment of new enterprise.

Obtaining investment license in the Czech Republic

CountryCzech Republic

Czech legislation implies mandatory licensing of each type of activity. The country's regulations provide for exempt, commercial and trade certificates for both local entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen.

License for investment activities in the Czech Republic is issued to a number of organizations, including:

  • Commercial funds;
  • Foreign-exchange markets;
  • Banks, pawnbroker's offices, certain insurance companies with extended scope of financial instruments.

Obtaining of the license for investment activities in Estonia


The present article is informative one and is primarily for those who are interested in obtaining permit for investment activity within the territory of Estonia.

The Securities Market Act regulates the rules for the provision of investment services in Estonia. In view of the fact that this jurisdiction is part of the European Union, the current rules in the sphere of finance are based on "The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II" (MiFID II).

Obtaining investment license in Hungary


Hungary is one of the countries participating in the European Economic Area, so the financial sphere of activity is actively developing there. New banks, brokerage offices, investment funds are being opened in the territory of the state, and non-resident enterprises are being registered.

For foreign legal entities, separate rates of taxation are provided and current regulation of legislation is insignificantly modified. Investment organization that has obtained license within the borders of Hungary is entitled to expand the corporation outside the country.

Obtaining investment license in Latvia


An investment company is a legal entity whose ongoing activity is to provide one or more investment services.

State regulation of the licenses in Latvia is carried out by the Commission established under the Ministry of Finance.

The department is engaged in the control of certification of brokerage, banking, and other areas of activity related to the economic segment.

Obtaining an Investment License in Lithuania


An investment company is a legal entity whose ongoing activity is to provide one or more investment services to third parties and/or to carry out one or more investment operations on a professional basis.

Modern infrastructure, low costs of doing business, the loyalty of the regulator make Lithuania an attractive jurisdiction for foreign investment entrepreneurs.

To conduct investment activities in Lithuania, as well as throughout the EU, a special permit is required. This area of ​​activity is regulated by The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

Obtaining investment license in Malta


Lawyers of Law&Trust International cooperate with representatives of various state commissions and private organizations in Malta. Establishment of new enterprises, registration of bank accounts, processing of gambling certificates, etc.

Long-term cooperation with the offshore zone guarantees the absence of legal delays, as well as prompt consideration of the application.

Submission of the package of documentation is carried out to the commission for financial regulation (The Malta Financial Services Authority - MFSA).

Obtaining investment license in New Zealand

CountryNew Zealand

The law was promulgated in the jurisdiction of New Zealand in the end of 2014, and according to the foregoing law all companies that conduct financial activities in the country are required to undergo special licensing procedure. Amendments in the regulations have affected not only service providers, but also intermediaries, such as forex brokers, advisers, insurance agencies, etc.

Acquisition of investment license in New Zealand can be successfully accomplished using services of Law&Trust. Our employees specialize in legal assistance with regard to sector of company registration, patents, processing of accounts, as well as licensing of various activities abroad.

Obtaining investment license in Panama


Obtaining investment license in Panama is necessary for every enterprise planning to conduct financial activities in and beyond this jurisdiction.

The state is an offshore zone for many types of non-residents due to low tax rates and transparent regulations of the legislation.

Thus, licensing in the field of investment is mandatory for banks, pawnbroker's offices, insurance and brokerage offices, consultantsv regarding crediting, microfinance organizations and miscellaneous institutions.

Each of the above structures can obtain investment license of "A" type. It is indicated as Licencia Commercial Tipo A in the documentation of Panama.

Obtaining investment license in Great Britain

CountryUnited Kingdom

Obtaining investment license in the UK is possible for citizens of any country in the world. Assistance in processing the certificate is provided by Law&Trust. Our lawyers work with individuals or corporate clients, and applications are accepted around the clock.

Issuing permission for conducting financial activities in the jurisdiction of Great Britain is carried out by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). The Financial Conduct Authority in the UK is a non-governmental body, but it has a strong authority both for its own citizens and for non-residents.

Dariia Grib
Legal secretaries & Receptionists
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Vladyslava Volianyk
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