Obtaining investment license in the Czech Republic | Law&Trust International

Investment license in the Czech Republic

Czech legislation implies mandatory licensing of each type of activity. The country's regulations provide for exempt, commercial and trade certificates for both local entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen.

License for investment activities in the Czech Republic is issued to a number of organizations, including:

  • Commercial funds;
  • Foreign-exchange markets;
  • Banks, pawnbroker's offices, certain insurance companies with extended scope of financial instruments.

Permission for investing activities is granted only to legal entities. If natural person submits application for obtaining this type of certificate, he should complete the registration procedures for its own company and open bank account in the Czech Republic.

The state imposes certain demands on the office, the employees and the founder himself. In order to simplify and accelerate the process of obtaining investment license in the Czech Republic, you can contact Law&Trust. Lawyers provide free advice to all clients, regardless of their location.

Submitting application for processing of license or signing up for individual conversation are possible via chat, by phone, mail or by calling the toll-free line from the website.

Investment license for Czech companies: the process of obtaining

In contrast to non-residents, local entrepreneurs do not need to organize new company. The certificate is issued to such forms of companies as LLC and JSC, and the applicant from among IP is obliged to apply to the lawyers to change organizational form of the business.

Local entrepreneurs go through the following stages before obtaining permission for investment activities:

  • 1. Contribution of the authorized capital or contribution of certain amount of finance to the account in order to reach the minimum payment threshold. The amount of the nominal capital varies depending on the number of services rendered by the counterparty to users. Detailed information about the amounts can be clarified with our specialists.

    2. Filling in the initial documentation. In order to obtain license for investment activities, it is necessary to submit the application in an appropriate form in the state language of the licensor. The application form can be received from our company, and the lawyer will indicate the list of recommendations for filling out or provide translation of the form for its detailed examination.

    3. Collection of documentation. The applicant personally transfers a copy of his passport and power of attorney to represent his own interests in authorities of any type to the lawyers. The period of registration of the documents depends on several factors, including specific type of activity, the number of employees in the company, the scale of coverage of the target audience by the company and miscellaneous factors. Collection of documents is carried out by our specialists, which allows to avoid legal mistakes at this stage of preparation.

    4. Verifying the package of documents. After receiving all forms of official documents, it is necessary to examine them for legal mistakes and inconsistencies. If necessary, information is translated with subsequent notarization.

    The documentation is considered by the Commission for Regulation of Finance and Securities in the Czech market.

    It takes a few weeks for superficial examination of the forms, after which experts can adopt preliminary decision, which is immediately reported to the client. Detailed consideration of the application takes about 3-5 months.

    Applicants who have obtained license are entitled to expand their business to other EU countries by means of passportization procedure.

Заявители, получившие лицензию, имеют право расширения бизнеса на иные страны ЕС путем процедуры паспортизации.

The cost of investment license in the Czech Republic

The total amount of services for processing of the license for financial activities in the Czech Republic depends on the individual set of operations required for licensing in a particular case.

Our specialists will make an estimate after the first conversation. Law&Trust also provides services for renewing the permission and complete legal support for the client up to the annual audit.

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