Obtaining a banking license in Malta | Law&Trust International

Banking license in Malta

Malta is one of the most optimal jurisdictions for registering financial enterprises and formalizing their activities. The firm that has obtained certificate for rendering investment or other economic services in Malta is entitled to expand into the territory of other countries, as well as interact with clients around the world.

It is possible to clarify information regarding the issue of obtaining banking license in Malta by the phones of Law&Trust. Our lawyers will specify a detailed work plan during the first free consultation, inform about the package of documents, as well as approximate amount of the set of services.

Processing of license without help of the specialists is impossible, because Malta imposes strict requirements for compilation, preparation and execution of the package of documentation. In addition, it is necessary to examine the regulations of foreign legislation in detail for legal carrying out of banking activities.

The specialists of our company produce legal support for your business at all stages of preparation and consideration of the package of documents, and it is possible to continue cooperation after obtaining hard copy of license.

Obtaining banking license in Malta is carried out within 4-6 months after the submission of the full package of documents. Obtaining is carried out by the local financial regulatory authority. The MFSA organization controls not only banks, but also all other enterprises that are engaged in the provision of economic services.

These include brokerage offices, pawnbroker's offices, insurance companies, consulting bureaus and miscellaneous institutions.

The type of license, issued to the counterparty after a detailed examination of the corporation, will depend on the number of financial instruments used in working with clients. Each certificate gives the right to provide particular list of services, and details of the activities permitted by each type of license should be clarified with the specialists.

The cost of banking license in Malta

The exact price depends on the applicant's citizenship, the existence of operating corporation, and other factors. The most part of expenses is necessary for contribution of the authorized capital, and the foregoing financial reserve is not only the guarantee of business development in the future, but it also confirms the current material welfare of the counterparty.

Contribution to the bank account of one of the financial entities of Malta is made before submission of the application for obtaining certificate. Extract from the bank specifying the amount of the authorized capital shall be present in the list of required forms in the documentation package. Depending on the number of financial instruments, the client contributes certain amount.

Permission for banking activities

in Malta also requires additional transfers, including the following:


  • Payment for the services of the regulator. Acceptance of the application, as well as its consideration are conducted on a commercial basis. The fee is insignificant, but non-refundable to the client in course of any outcome of the case.

  • If the counterparty is a citizen of Malta and a legal entity with operating LLC, he needs to collect documentation only for obtaining license. However, non-residents are required to establish a branch of the bank in the territory of the country and register it according to all the provisions of the regulations. In addition, it is necessary to open an account with the local bank for official recognition of the foreigner as the legal entity of Maltese jurisdiction and legal functioning of his firm. The cost of both procedures is indicated on our website.

  • The package of legal support includes free consulting of clients, however, collection of documentation, preparation of forms, translation of the main pages, as well as other services necessary for obtaining license for banking activities, require financial maintenance.

You can apply for legal assistance today. In contrast to our competitors, we are characterized by transparent pricing policy and strict observance of data confidentiality. Various means of communication were developed on the website for the convenience of our clients.
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