Registration of company in DMCC is cost-efficient start for business and excellent way to increase turnover for already existing organizations. Registration of private business in the territory of the free economic zone of the United Arab Emirates is possible due to the services of the specialists of Law & Trust International.

We guarantee the promptness: the maximum period of registration is 25 days from the date of making application. The company in DMCC has several advantages, namely:

  • Conducting activities among 10,000 business partners makes it possible to select appropriate suppliers and consumers in the B2B market;
  • Obtaining the license of trade or service company does not imply submitting long list of requirements to the applicant;
  • The term of registration depends on the type of incorporation (new company, subsidiary undertaking or branch);
  • Specific Internet portal is provided for all the participants of the economic zone, where there is access to range of services on documentation processing, which simplifies the procedure for interaction with local authorities.

In order to register company in DUBAI MULTI COMMODITIES CENTER, it is sufficient to collect considerably small package of documentation and make contribution of the authorized capital in the amount of 50 thousand dollars to the account of one of the local banks. Detailed consultation is provided free of charge after the making application on our portal.