The cost of opening an account:
From 533 EUR
The cost of opening an account:
From 533 EUR
General information
Official site
Lithuanian commercial bank that provides financial services for corporate and private clients since 1992. One of the first banks in Lithuania, which began to provide customers with online services. The main office of the bank is located in Vilnius since 1995
English-speaking and Russian-speaking staff
Сроки открытия для зачисления (дней):
5-10 days
Сроки открытия для списания (дней):
5-10 days
Не требуется
Description of activity:
Account type:
Personal, corporate, savings
Types of accounts:
Personal, corporate, savings
Departure to the bank:
Required documents:
Standard package of documents: photocopies of the company's apostilled constituent documents, photocopy of the passport of director/trustee/beneficiary, description of the client's business, completed application form
Account opening, probability:
Calculated and perceived
Particularities during account opening:
Annual turnover (minimum):
0 €
Transaction speed:
1-2 days
Services and costs
Cost of translation:
0,35 EUR
Cost of enrollment:
Free of charge
Cost of account maintenance:
20 EUR
Access to the account:
Internet banking
Bank services:
Crediting, deposits
Bank cards:
VISA, MasterCard
Cost of extracts storing:
1 document – 6 EUR