How to open a business in the Turkey?
Turkey is a huge state with ancient history, multi-ethnic composition of the population, powerful economy, European and Oriental traditions. The Eastern order, multiplied by the modern world achievements in the field of economics, created a favourable investment climate for doing business, regardless of its size and direction.
Business in Turkey
There is practically no distinction between residents and foreign investors in Turkey. The main difficulty is the language barrier, however a significant part of the population speaks fluent English, which reduces the complexity of communication. Amendments to the Foreign Investment Law exempt a ready-made business in Turkey and foreign investors from many bureaucratic delays, providing for a guarantee of investment protection.
Developing own business in Turkey, entrepreneurs point out favourable factors leading to the success of practically any undertaking in a given country:
- Simplicity of the the company processing,
- Equality in the rights of residents and non-residents,
- A lot of government programs for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses,
- Creation of technological development zones in a lot of cities of the country,
- Creation of organized industrial zones,
- Creation of free zones,
- Signing of many international agreements on double taxation,
- Preferential tax system,
- Developed tourist infrastructure.
In accordance with the Commercial Code, business in Turkey can exist in the following form of enterprises:
- Corporation.
- Open joint-stock company.
At least 5 participants, individuals and legal entities are required. The maximum number of participants is unlimited. Issuance of registered and bearer securities is possible.
- Closed limited liability company.
The number of participants is limited, from 2 to 50. The liability of participants is limited by the amount of contribution to the authorized capital. Securities may be alienated by third parties only with the approval of the total number of shareholders.
- Open joint-stock company.
- Partnership.
- With unlimited liability.
There is no minimum capital requirement. Participants are solely liable for the company's obligations.
- With limited liability.
At least one main partner with unlimited liability for the company's obligations and at least one with limited liability must be present as participants.
- With unlimited liability.
Establishing Business in Turkey
Currently in the country the requirement for resident participation in capital and management in the process of establishing a company is excluded. Starting a business in Turkey has become much easier.
In general, company registration includes the following steps:
- Verification of the uniqueness of the name. It should not resemble any existing, and also contain a link to the type of activities of the company.
- Notarization of constituent documents,
- Registration of constituent documents in a special program MERSIS. It is carried out online through the Internet.
- Registration of a unique taxpayer identification code,
- Registration in the Trade Register,
- Registration of accounting and law books by a notary,
- Registration in social and tax services,
- Opening a bank account.
In some cases, it is more profitable for entrepreneurs to buy a ready-made business in Turkey. Reduction of terms allows you to avoid organizational delays.
Contact our company and you will receive expert advice on starting a business in Turkey. Details are meaningful and minimize possible financial risks.
Please, select organizational and legal form of the company You are interested in:
For reference:
Under number 4875 "On Foreign Direct Investment ', foreign nationals and non-resident Turkey may establish and participate in the following forms of doing business in Turkey:
- Individual entrepreneur (Gerçek Kişi Tacir)
- Liaison Office / Liaison Office / Representative (İrtibat Bürosu)
- Branch of a foreign company (Yabancı Şirket Şubesi)
- Simple partnership (Adi Ortaklık)
- Cooperative (Kooperatif)
- Collective society (Kollektif Şirket)
- Limited partnership / limited partnership (Komandit Şirket)
- Joint Stock Company ( Anonim Şirket) (AS)
- Limited Liability Company ( Limited Şirket) (LS)