Date added: 08.01.2020The Irish government again reported a record number of issued passports. According to experts, such a stir is associated with Brexit and the launch of an electronic document filing system.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ireland reported on the number of issued passports for 2019. The growth was 7% and amounted to 915,000 granted passports. In absolute terms, this is a record; there has never been such a demand for a country's passport in history. On some days, the Irish Foreign Ministry was forced to process up to 6,000 forms, and in some months, there were more than 100,000 applications. People applied both for new passports and for renewing old documents.
Experts attribute the growing demand for Irish citizenship with Brexit. Many UK citizens are afraid that they will lose their EU passport after the exit of the United Kingdom. It was the representatives of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland who applied for citizenship the most - 98,000 applications. However, this is only 10% of the total number of applications.
Most of all, the citizenship of Ireland was in demand among New Yorkers (3.5 thousand), Pretoria (3.2 thousand), Canberra (2.5 thousand). Also, an Irish passport was in demand among residents of San Francisco, Ottawa, Paris.
An increase in the number of applications is associated with the introduction of a new form. Now you can apply for an Irish passport online.
Law firm Law&Trust offers clients the services of obtaining citizenship or residence permit in Ireland. Our lawyers will tell you what it will take, what documents need to be prepared, and what payments you need to make. Law&Trust specialists will prepare an application and fully accompany the process of obtaining a passport.