Date added: 14.05.2019Estonia was one of the first European countries to show interest in blockchain technology. It began the gradual introduction of blockchain back in 2008 and has actively incorporated the use of this technology in many areas of its government. Estonia does not bypass the crypto-assets but recognises it as legal tender in their territory. In 2017, amendments were adopted to the legislation on countering the legalisation of proceeds from crime.
Providers of crypto-currency services, such as crypto-currency exchanges and stock exchanges, have been able to legalise their business in Estonia. At the end of 2018, more than 800 licenses were issued to "Providers of a service of exchanging a virtual currency against a fiat currency" and "Providers of a virtual currency wallet service". In this connection, this jurisdiction is categorised as the most favourable environment for crypto-currency start-ups.
However, this has entailed abuse by license recipients and has resulted in widespread criticism from the media, experts and regulators of neighbouring countries. The main drawback pointed out by critics is the lack of license verification during the issuing process and reduced control over licensed companies. The Estonian regulators dropped many of the provisions stipulated in law during the crypto-currency license issue processes. Attempts to amend the existing legislation and tighten control on the issue of the crypto-currency license were rejected by parliament.
May 2019 has ushered in a new era for the regulators as a developed system for decisions involving the crypto-currency license issue has been implemented for a more thorough and expanded control over licenses issued for "Providers of a service of exchanging a virtual currency against a fiat currency" and "Providers of a virtual currency wallet service". The standard policy will get tighter as the development process is still taking shape.
Currently, the legislation includes the following provisions implemented since May:
The prospects for tightening the requirements for Estonian licenses have not yet determined precisely enough to speak confidently about them. Currently, only a small part of the proposed measures has implemented, and perhaps many of the proposed rules will be cut off again in the future. The Law and Trust International team monitor the current situation in the licensing of crypto-currency companies in Estonia.
To be fully prepared for changes in Estonia, you can contact the specialists of the Law and Trust International team. We will tell you more about the changes and help you conduct comprehensive training. You can order from us such services as:
We have compiled an infographic for you, where we collect all of the most critical changes in the regulation of crypto-currency licenses in Estonia.