Date added: 09.01.2019According to IFJ (Institute for the Support of Entrepreneurs) experts, 2017 was the record year for enterprise development. From 2015 to 2018, the largest number of companies was formed in the German-speaking cantons. As for the Romandy, the leading positions are occupied by Geneva and Vaud.
There has been also a vast increase in central Switzerland (+ 14.1%), in the region of Mittelland, which unites the cantons of Bern, Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Jura (+ 6.8%), in Zurich (+ 4.9%) and northwestern Switzerland (+4, 9%).
As for the eastern part of the country, the number of startups has decreased by 1.7% (-88 firms), and by 15.9% in Ticino (-443).
In absolute terms, the largest number of new enterprises over the past 4 years appeared in Zurich (7664), Vaud (4370) and Geneva (3745). In relative terms, the top three are Zug (+38.9%), Glarus (+20%) and Vaud (+17.7%).
What are the most popular legal forms? According to the results of the past year, most often businessmen starting a business set up limited liability companies (38.5%, which is 2% more than in 2017). In second place is an individual entrepreneur (32.1%), in third place is a joint-stock company (20.6%). Let us add that the IFJ annually participates in the formation of about 2,000 companies. Frequently, new businessmen use its platform to establish online firms. The Institute also organizes seminars, free consultations and provides various services to encourage entrepreneurship.
Let us add that last November a study of Swiss Startup Radar was published in Switzerland. The study was conducted by Michael Rokinger, Professor of Economics at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), in association with the website, which presents information for young entrepreneurs and all those who want to support them. The research paper analyzed information about 4000 startups. The authors note that four times more new companies appear currently in Switzerland every year than in the early 2000s. It is interesting that there are approximately twice as many startups operating in the field of medical technology, engineering, energy and metallurgy in the Confederation than in the UK, Germany, France and Spain. At the same time, young Swiss firms are rarely subject to change in ownership.