Registration of trademark in Jordan

Availability of trademark is necessary both for businessmen from Jordan and for non-resident entrepreneurs.

Trademark helps to uniqualize the brand on the market among a lot of competitors, and also protect products or services of the corporation from counterfeiting at the legal level.

Trademarks in Jordan should be presented in graphic form, and they can combine different colors, pictures, schemes, sketches, figures, words, letters and miscellaneous, however, the following elements are not allowed to be placed on the logo:

  • Quotations, names, surnames, signatures of public figures or names of major well-known corporations without their personal consent, fixed in writing;
  • Copied segments from the emblems of other organizations that are already operating in the Jordan market;
  • Details of the immoral nature can not be included in the logo;
  • Calling for war, terrorist acts, extremism and other offenses, expressed in written or graphic form, will also lead to refusal in trademark registration.

Lawyers of Law&Trust offer assistance for clients in registration of trademarks. We deal not only with collection and preparation of documentation, but also produce preliminary examination of logos for uniqueness and compliance with the regulations of Jordan.

Most of the rules for registration of the emblem are contained in the text of the Paris Convention, the jurisdiction of which operates in the territory of the country, and reconciliation with local legislation is also being carried out to avoid insulting the feelings of Jordanian citizens.

Right to trademark in Jordan

Any entrepreneur or natural person can register trademark in this state of Asia, regardless of the territory of foundation and development of the business.

The expert commission of the country does not impose any special requirements to the applicants, but it is important to properly collect the documentation package and carefully verify it for mistakes.

The package of official documents shall be submitted to the Commission for the protection of intellectual property rights in the state language.

In Jordan, registration of trademarks is possible only according to the national procedure, because the country is not included into the list of participants of the common economic area established by signing the Madrid Agreement.

There are also no regional commissions for consideration of applications in Asia.

Among the advantages of making application in accordance with the national procedure, there are the following:

  • The logo is compared only with the emblems of local entrepreneurs, which increases the probability of its uniqueness;
  • Trademark should comply with the jurisdiction of only one state;
  • Consideration of the documentation package takes less time.

You can clarify information about the stages of the process of registering a brand name in Jordan during personal consultation with one of the lawyers of Law & Trust.

Communication is available through call from the website, by phone, and also by correspondence in chat or by mail.

The cost of trademark registration in the Jordan

The data is relevant for today 26.03.2025 - 21:25

Country Comprehensive review Registration service Registration certificate Total
Trademark registration in Jordan
First class, Word mark OR Logo
115.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
115.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo:
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo
641.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
571.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo
641.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
571.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo1397.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo1257.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD


Step 1
Free Consultation *
During the free consultation, our experts will assist you in selecting the most optimal class under the ICGS
Step 2
Preliminary Check
Our lawyers will carry out an expert assessment of the emblem/logo/TM, ensuring it complies with the necessary requirements and the degree of resemblance between your trademark and already registered TM
Step 3
You can agree with us on the most convenient payment method
Step 6
Obtaining a Certificate
On request, the certificate of registration can be delivered to you via courier service
Step 5
The registrar reviews the application and attached documents; the procedure can be done without the client necessarily being present
Step 4
Submission of Documents
After completing a power of attorney, our specialists collect and prepare the necessary documents (including statement of use) and submit the application for trademark registration

Intellectual property law practice in figures

years in business
countries for registration of TM
registered TM and patents

Our clients on trademark registration