Date added: 10.06.2019Important notice: Law&Trust no longer work in Russia. Transfer of operational control over Law&Trust in Russia to local management and the formation of the LegalCraft brand was started in 2022 and came into effect in October 2024.
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation believes that the government and members of the Federal Assembly should review the criteria for those who expect to become tax residents of Russia. This proposal was made by First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov.
The official stressed that today, under federal law, tax residency for any person is considered as such only after 183 days of uninterrupted residence in Russia. According to Siluanov, such a long time should review with a decrease to 90 days in one calendar year.
“This will help the business develop actively in the Russian Federation. So that it would be easier to work and that our businessmen, who at one time fled to the West, come back to us, ”Siluanov said.
The project also plans to introduce additional criteria for the selection of tax residency. It may be citizenship, real estate, family, and so on. Such proposals, as noted by Minister Siluanov, will be included in the main directions of the tax, budget and customs tariff policy.
Law and Trust International provides an opportunity to register a company in the Russian Federation. About the cost and features of registration, please сontact with our lawyers.