News | Law&Trust International
12 Dec 2018

New Year’s ‘Gift’: Belize intends to remove its name from the ‘black lists’ by December 31, 2018

New Year’s ‘Gift’: Belize intends to remove its name from the ‘black lists’ by December 31, 2018
Just a while ago, Belize took the lead among offshore territories and tax havens of the world, but after a series of anti-...
07 Dec 2018

Exemption from the 30% personal income tax collection at the sale of real estate for non-residents

Exemption from the 30% personal income tax collection at the sale of real estate for non-residents
Since December 1, 2018 all tax non-residents of the Russian Federation are exempt from personal income tax (NDFL) in real estate...
04 Dec 2018

Substance in Singapore as a guarantee of business stability

Substance in Singapore as a guarantee of business stability
Singapore’s “economic miracle” triggered a trend of redirecting global cash flows. The Asian city-state composed of 63 islands...
04 Dec 2018

The list of "tax havens" is reduced

The list of "tax havens" is reduced
Tendency towards reducing the list of "tax havens" is observed in the European Union Tax havens are states or territories, the...
28 Nov 2018

Tax remissions for Russian business abroad
Cutting the tax rate for foreign companies related to the liquidation of Russian subsidiaries A draft law, providing for tax...
26 Nov 2018

Substance in Hong Kong: the opportunity to conduct European business in the Asian country
The state taxation system depends on the model of economic development. This affects the desire of investors to invest their...
26 Nov 2018

Since the 1990s the Baltic States have readjusted to the capitalist norms of a market economy. The reform of the economic sector...
23 Nov 2018

Law&Trust International sticks up for ICO projects
The technology boom has created new business opportunities. Thus, ICO, blockchain, cryptocurrencies turned from a bunch of words...
23 Nov 2018

Is it possible to bring celebrities to responsibility?
The advertising market for ICO projects is inundated with celebrities. More and more frequently popular personalities are...
