Date added: 02.11.2018Currently, cryptocurrency projects such as cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency exchangers, cryФptocurrency funds are gaining general demand in the market. One of the key points in this kind of activity is the preparation of legal documents that formalize the legal relations between the clients of the project and the company - organizer.
The possibility of presenting potential claims from clients, the procedure for resolving them and other significant legal issues will depend on the fact of competent compilation of these documents and on what rights and obligations will be reflected in them.
That is why it is very important for the start of any cryptocurrency project to draw up well-written legal agreements that will be fundamental documents in relations with potential clients or counterparties.
Naturally, the set of documents for each specific project and its features may differ, but we have outlined the following basic set, which each project must necessarily have:
This document is particularly important for cryptocurrency exchanges and funds.
We draw your attention to the fact that this list is not exhaustive and is subject to adjustment depending on the specific activity. For example, the activity of a cryptocurrency fund implies the obligatory preparation of a contract for trust management or a contract for the sale and purchase of units, depending on the structure of the fund.
Lawyers of Law&Trust International will help you prepare all the necessary documents that you need directly. Our company has provided legal support services for more than 100 cryptocurrency projects, so you will receive high-quality services based on our professional experience and practice if you contact us .