Date added: 16.11.2017Is it possible to refund money from ICO?
Investing in ICO today is equivalent to trying to jump into a full-speed moving train. The train rushes to the gold fields, but noone gives a guarantee that you will be able to safely reach them.
ICO is a modern means of attracting investments to Internet start-ups and young provisioncompanies.
The author of the idea creates his own currency, by means of which in the future it will be possible to pay for his product.
But not everyone grow upfrom the idea to an actual result, and investors risk losing their funds forever.
It is possible to refund money from ICO, but only with the consent of the owner of the project.
Why buy tokens?
The benefits of investors based on ICO are as follows:
- If the company succeeds, the value of its tokens increases extremely. So, by acquiring them at the lowest price, the investor gets a chance to further sell them in tens times more expensive;
- In the future, investors will be able to buy services or goods from the company at a reduced price;
- They get an opportunity to become involved in the implementation of an interesting and promising project.
Why can investors want to return money from ICO?
Unfortunately, not all companies that launch ICO are conscientiousand honest with respect to investors. Behind beautiful picture of, at first glance, interesting project, there may be non-contributing zero.
If the company does not provide reports on its work and does not maintain backward communication and inverse relationship with investors, then the latter will have unpleasant suspicions.
That's when it comes to how to get money back from ICO.
Investing in ICO is something akin to gambling: when bets are accepted, there is point of no return.
Often the founders of start-up themselves misgive by their inadequate actions or complete inaction. It should not be forgotten that ICO is a well-coordinated and confidential relationship between business owners and investors.
By what principles should you choose a start-up for buying tokens?
Enterprising fraudsters appeared on the fertile ground for the startupers, and the main project of the foregoing is the collection of money. And that's all.
Unfortunately, such scammers have become the majorityfor the last couple of years.
In order not to become an unwitting sponsor of someone's tricks and not to puzzle over how to refund money from ICO, you should evaluate projects according to such criteria:
- presence of WhitePaper that is the document in which the detailed information on the company with diagrams of development and conditions of use of tokens is collected;
- presence of a registered company for ICO;
- availability of a demo version of the product;
- whole team of the start;
- up is represented in the project;
- the project is consulted by well-known and authoritative persons;
- detailed project development plan.
If the company meets the above parameters, the probability that in the future you will be able to refund money from ICO with a good profit is quite large.
Can the company return money from ICO at the request of the investor?
Yes, and such cases are common. If the project involves well-known companies and there are high chances for its success, investors are given the opportunity to withdraw the invested funds.
This is often reported on the official website of the company or via email. The foregoing is usually done by organizations that have already collected the necessary amount and do not need additional investment.
You can get more detailed advice on ICO principles from lawyers of the consulting company Law&Trust International.