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07 Mar 2018

kriptovalyuta v belarusi

Republic of Belarus: taxation of transactions with cryptocur...
Mining of cryptocurrency and purchasing an apartment: is it a threat to be inquired or punished by tax authority?
Many... далее
01 Mar 2018

Налоговые льготы от Британии

Tax incentives from Great Britain

Great Britain has always provided substantial tax breaks, and we want to remind you of the main advantage of using... далее
01 Mar 2018

show ico meetup

Representative of Law&Trust as a judge of Show ICO

«Show ICO» has organized and held a Meet-Up, where the best experts in the field of ICO gathered and presented their... далее

Belize Download

International Business Companies Act 1990 (Revised Edition, 2000) PDF
International Foundations Act, 2010 PDF
International Limited Liability Companies Act, 2011 PDF
Protected Cell Companies Act (Revised Edition, 2000) PDF
Accounting Records (Maintenance) Act 2013 PDF

Virgin Islands (BVI) Download

BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (as amended, 2012) PDF
Companies Act (as amended, 2004) PDF
Insolvency Act, 2003 (as amended, 2004) PDF
Segregated Portfolio Companies Regulations, 2005 PDF
UK-BVI Tax Information Exchange Agreement PDF
US-BVI Tax Information Exchange Agreement PDF

Isle Of Man Download

Collective Investment Schemes Act 2008 PDF
Companies Act 2006 (as amended, 2009) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1931 (as amended, 2009) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1961 (as amended, 2000) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1968 (as amended, 2009) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1974 (as amended, 2003) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1982 (as amended, 2009) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1986 (as amended, 2003) PDF
Companies Legislation Acts 1992 (as amended, 2009) PDF
Companies (Transfer of Domicile) Act 1998 (as amended, 2008) PDF
Companies (Prohibition of Bearer Shares) Act, 2011 PDF
Companies (Memorandum and Articles of Association) Regulations 1988 PDF
Companies (Private Placements) (Prospectus Exemptions) Regulations 2000 PDF
Limited Liability Companies Act, 1996 (as amended, 2009) PDF
Protected Cell Companies Act, 2004 PDF
Protected Cell Companies (Forms) Regulations, 2004 PDF
Protected Cell Companies (Prescribed Class of Business) (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations 2004 PDF
Foundations Act, 2011 PDF

Mauritius Download

Companies Act 2001 (as amended, 2012) PDF
Financial Services Act, 2007 (as amended, 2010) PDF
Foundations Act, 2012 PDF
Insurance Act, 2005 (as amended 2011) PDF
Insolvency Act, 2009 (as amended, 2011) PDF
Limited Partnerships Act, 2011 (as amended, 2011) PDF
Protected Cell Companies Act, 1999 (as amended, 2007) PDF
Securities Act, 2005 (as amended 2011) PDF

The Seychelles Download

Companies Ordinance, 1972 PDF
Companies (Special Licences) Act, 2003 PDF
Electronic Transactions Act, 2001 PDF
Financial Institutions Act, 2004 PDF
Foundations Act, 2009 (as amended, 2011) PDF
Insurance Act, 2008 PDF
International Business Companies Act, 1994 (as amended, 2011) PDF
International Trade Zone Act, 1995 PDF
International Trade Zone Regulations, 1995 (as amended, 2004) PDF
International Trust Act, 1994 (as amended, 2011) PDF
Limited Partnership Act, 2003 (as amended, 2011) PDF
Mutual Fund and Hedge Fund Act, 2008 PDF
Protected Cell Companies Act, 2003 (as amended 2004) PDF
Securities Act, 2007 PDF
Seychelles International Business Authority Act, 1994 (as amended, 2005) PDF

Hong Kong Download

Companies Ordinance (1997 Version, as amended 2012) PDF