News | Law&Trust International
26 Jun 2019

Economical Substance in the UAE: what's important to know and to do

Economical Substance in the UAE: what's important to know and to do
On April 30, 2019, the UAE Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution dedicated to the so-called “Substance” - an economic...
25 Jun 2019

E-Residency in Estonia: conditions, rules and advantages

E-Residency in Estonia: conditions, rules and advantages
Estonia is the first state in the world to introduce such a thing as e-residency. E-residency is the electronic identification...
25 Jun 2019

Сrown Dependencies to open registries of beneficiaries in 2022

Сrown Dependencies to open registries of beneficiaries in 2022
The dependent and overseas territories of Great Britain, such as Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man, plan to make public the...
20 Jun 2019

Russia and Austria launched the Protocol on the avoidance of double taxation

Russia and Austria launched the Protocol on the avoidance of double taxation
Starting from June 21, 2019, the Russian Federation and Austria will introduce in their countries a regime of avoiding double...
19 Jun 2019

OECD announces new recommendations for auditors and consultants

OECD announces new recommendations for auditors and consultants
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has announced a new guideline with recommendations on the work of...
18 Jun 2019

More than one million: The number of naturalized people was released in US in 2018

More than one million: The number of naturalized people was released in US in 2018
The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a report on 2018 major criteria. The document says that over the...
14 Jun 2019

New changes for data exchange and economic substance on the Caymans to be posted

New changes for data exchange and economic substance on the Caymans to be posted
The local regulator on the Cayman Islands - the Department of International Tax Cooperation (DITC) - has unveiled some changes...
14 Jun 2019

Passion for Hong Kong: Experts predict serious financial risks

Passion for Hong Kong: Experts predict serious financial risks
In a special administrative district of Hong Kong, the police dispersed protesters who opposed the adoption of extradition law....
13 Jun 2019

The new reporting obligations will introduce In Seychelles from 2020

The new reporting obligations will introduce In Seychelles from 2020
A law has been published in Seychelles that provides for the introduction of new commitments to submit country reports (CBC...
