News | Law&Trust International
23 Aug 2019

Economic Substance instructions come into force in Caymans
The Cayman Islands are one of the most popular offshore zones. Due to a large number of non-residents registering in this...
22 Aug 2019

Russian FTS used offshore archival information for tax purposes
For the first time, the Federal Tax Service used archival information from offshore jurisdictions for additional tax payments. In...
20 Aug 2019

ECB suspended the work of the Latvian PNB Banka
PNB Banka (formerly Norvik Banka), registered in Latvia, faced significant problems that put it on the brink of bankruptcy. They...
20 Aug 2019

Lithuanian Financial Authorities Froze 90 M Euros as Suspicious Funds
The Lithuanian Financial Intelligence Service demanded that the local bank AB LV freeze funds, for a total of 90 million euros....
16 Aug 2019

FTS Monitors Online Transactions
The Federal Tax Service announced the introduction of new technologies that allow tracking transactions of residents of the...
14 Aug 2019

International Tax Treaties Entered Into Force in Russia
The Russian Federation has ratified the protocols for a number of treaties with Sweden and Austria. An international treaty with...
13 Aug 2019

ESMA published a report on licensing of European fintech companies
ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Organization, has prepared a report on licensing for fintech companies. The document is...
12 Jul 2019

Does the State Duma of Russia bury Visa and MasterCard activities?

Does the State Duma of Russia bury Visa and MasterCard activities?
The State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering a set of amendments to the federal law “About the National Payment...
11 Jul 2019

Serbia is excluded from the "gray lists" high-risk jurisdictions

Serbia is excluded from the "gray lists" high-risk jurisdictions
In early July 2019, FATF transmitted information to the EU that Serbia would be excluded from the register of countries, which...
