How to start a business on Amazon? Tips for a novice seller | Law&Trust International

To Succeed on Amazon, You Should Meet the 3 Main Conditions 

Amazon is an international trading platform. According to recent reports, Amazon has 39% of the US market. In addition to its financial data, Amazon provides opportunities for companies from all over the world to work efficiently. It should be noted that with such openness, everyone who works with Amazon may encounter organizational issues regarding the transfer of payments and enrollment. 

The first condition is the company registration

A company for Amazon can be registered in any country, but in practice, we noticed that companies registered in the United States can use the more advanced functionality and resources that Amazon offers, especially when increasing sales.

If you want to take full advantage of working with Amazon, we recommend that you consider registering a company in the USA. Our lawyers have experience working with all states and are always happy to provide services for registering a company in the United States.

In preparation for registration, you need to pay attention to 3 main points:

  1. The choice of the state in accordance with the criteria determined by the activities and structure of the company. For Amazon, we recommend choosing states with open Registers, because in this way you will show that the company is not hiding anything and can be considered as a reliable partner.
  2. The choice of the legal form of the company. In the United States, there are two of the most optimal and affordable forms of the company for foreigners - LLC and C-Corp. You can familiarize yourself with the features of each of them here.
  3. Obtaining an EIN tax number. You can find out how to do this here.

The second condition is to open an account with an American bank

All sellers are well aware that Amazon requires specific details, as payments occur automatically. An account with details for Amazon can be opened in 2 ways:

  1. Opening a bank account in an American bank with a personal visit. A personal visit is a security measure common to all banks in the United States. This condition simultaneously simplifies and complicates the procedure. Not everyone has the opportunity to fly to the US specifically for verification with a bank manager. In such situations, our company will be happy to provide an effective solution. For further advice, you can contact our specialists.
  2. Opening an account in a payment system. There is a number of payment systems that can remotely open an account that will be fully suitable for working with Amazon, as well as provide additional support if it is announced that you are an Amazon partner.

The decision to open an account in a payment system does not require any additional actions from you, we can do everything for you. We can also identify two key benefits that will be most beneficial when working with Amazon:

  1. In any payment system, there is always the opportunity to open a multi-currency account - USD, EUR, etc. This is quite difficult to do in American banks, as the main currency is the dollar.
  2. The entire procedure for opening an account in a payment system can be carried out remotely.

The third condition is to open an account in Amazon 

Under the first two conditions, it will be easier to open an account and work on Amazon, as you will not be distracted by organizational issues, but will only be engaged in building business strategies. Thus, the secret to success is simple: if you correctly build the initial component of the business, in the future, you will deprive yourself of additional problems and can safely implement your business plan.

Working with the company Law & Trust International, you will receive a range of services in the corporate and tax, immigration, labor, contractual sectors. The lawyers of the company approach any tasks with joy and creativity and put the interests of the client and his business in the foreground.


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