Registration of trademark in India

India is a country with population of 1.5 billion people. Such number of citizens will allow not only to quickly develop own company, but also to employ highly qualified workforce from among local residents. Trademark is necessary for entrepreneurial activity in the territory of the state. You can register trademark in India with the help of our specialists.

Procedures for registering a brand name in India

1. National one. The system implies the subsequent operation of the trademark only in the territory of India. The trademark is protected by the Paris Convention and domestic legislation in the country. In order to extend the business to other territories, it is necessary to re-submit the application and the package of documents.
2. International one. India is included in the register of countries participating in the Madrid Agreement, which means that it is possible to apply for simultaneous registration of trademark in 97 countries of the world. The system imposes high demands on the applicant, but it gives great opportunities for business development.

Documents for registration of trademark in India

When submitting application, there is division into categories, namely: natural persons and corporate clients. For the first group of counterparties, it is necessary to collect minimum package of documents: passports, address certificates, bank statements and certificates from work places.

The company is obliged to provide full description of its own activities, produce certifications of all beneficial owners and shareholders, prepare the Charter of the company translated into Hindi for sending, and collect the remaining official documents in accordance with the necessary register.

More detailed information about each stage of preparation and registration of trademark in India can be clarified by our lawyers by phone, in chat or during personal conversation in the office of Law&Trust International.

The experts of Law&Trust International will provide full assistance in the foregoing processes and procedures, as well as support all the stages of trademark registration in India in order you to obtain the certificate of registration within the shortest time possible. Registration of trademarks in various countries of the world is one of the main directions of our work.

The cost of trademark registration in the India

The data is relevant for today 04.03.2025 - 00:05

Country Comprehensive review Registration service Registration certificate Total
Trademark registration in India
First class, Word mark OR Logo
91.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
73.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo:
129.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
110.00 USD
First class, Word mark OR Logo
359.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
359.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
359.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
359.00 USD
First class, Word mark OR Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
No data
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo450.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo432.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo488.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo469.00 USD
Comprehensive review
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
91.00 USD73.00 USD
Registration Request
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
359.00 USD359.00 USD
Registration Certificate
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
No dataNo data
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
450 USD432 USD
Comprehensive review
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
129.00 USD110.00 USD
Registration Request
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
359.00 USD359.00 USD
Registration Certificate
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
No dataNo data
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
488 USD469 USD


Step 1
Free Consultation *
During the free consultation, our experts will assist you in selecting the most optimal class under the ICGS
Step 2
Preliminary Check
Our lawyers will carry out an expert assessment of the emblem/logo/TM, ensuring it complies with the necessary requirements and the degree of resemblance between your trademark and already registered TM
Step 3
You can agree with us on the most convenient payment method
Step 6
Obtaining a Certificate
On request, the certificate of registration can be delivered to you via courier service
Step 5
The registrar reviews the application and attached documents; the procedure can be done without the client necessarily being present
Step 4
Submission of Documents
After completing a power of attorney, our specialists collect and prepare the necessary documents (including statement of use) and submit the application for trademark registration

Intellectual property law practice in figures

years in business
countries for registration of TM
registered TM and patents

Our clients on trademark registration