Law & Trust International Company makes every effort to develop partnerships with professional customers, agents (introducers). Currently, in addition to our own offices, we have a wide network of dealers in the CIS and Central Europe, with who we mutually collaborate. The wholesale of the ready offshore companies (offshore) is welcomed.

We are ready to offer special conditions fo our services ror the following types of the professional agents:

  • legal and consulting companies
  • lawyers in private practice
  • audit companies
  • Investment and Financing
  • other professional market participants

We can offer special forms of cooperation involving special rates and the most favorable conditions for the above-mentioned groups of the agents. We are not looking for profit, the principle "a friend in court is better than a penny in purse" is a key for us when working under the agency scheme.

If you are interested in our offer and you would like to discuss the terms of the cooperation in details, please contact us by e-mail [email protected], or by telephone provided in the Contact section.