News | Law&Trust International
22 Feb 2019

Singapore tax officials to report the record tax revenues

Singapore tax officials to report the record tax revenues
The Singapore Tax Board collected 47 billion Singaporean dollars (34.5 billion UD) in tax revenues for the fiscal year 2017-2018...
22 Feb 2019

Как получить гражданство Мальты через инвестиции

Malta citizenship through investment
Over the past few years, the Mediterranean investment direction remains the most attractive. For many investors and business...
22 Feb 2019

UK exit from the EU and GDPR: a guide in 6 steps

UK exit from the EU and GDPR: a guide in 6 steps
In view of the upcoming UK withdrawal from the EU, which will take place on March 29, 2019, Law and Trust International has...
12 Feb 2019

UK economy slowest since 2012, as Brexit and global worries weigh

UK economy slowest since 2012, as Brexit and global worries weigh
Britain’s economy slowed sharply in late 2018, pushing full-year growth to its weakest in six years as Brexit worries hammered...
12 Feb 2019

Russian Federal Tax Service Excludes 9 Countries from The Offshore Blacklist

Russian Federal Tax Service Excludes 9 Countries from The Offshore Blacklist
Russian Federal Tax Service (FTS) excluded 9 countries of the states and territories, which are not being shared the information...
30 Jan 2019

Швейцарии из балтийских государств так и не получилось

The Baltic states did not succeed to bear much resemblance to Switzerland
Ernest Bernis, the shareholder of ABLV, the second largest Latvian bank, will never forget February 23, 2018. On that day, the...
22 Jan 2019

Island offshores: The dawn of a new era?

Island offshores: The dawn of a new era?
Under the EU’s influence and in the attempts to get rid of their status as “bad” jurisdictions, longestablished island offshores...
18 Jan 2019

BEPS Legislation Seychelles

BEPS Legislation Seychelles
Over 100 countries and jurisdictions are collaborating to implement the BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shift) measures and tackle...
16 Jan 2019


In December 2018, the National Assembly of Belize adopted amendments to the Law on International Companies, the Law on Income Tax...
