System of trademark registration in Andorra

Andorra is a small European state with developed market economy. The state is suitable for non-resident entrepreneurs due to low competition in certain areas of activity, clear legislative system and taxation policies, as well as stable exchange rate.

The trademark in Andorra is registered by lawyers of Law&Trust company according to one of three systems, namely: national one, CTM or international one. Each of the procedures gives the counterparty various opportunities for business development and has its own peculiarities of registration.

Requirements for registering trademark in Andorra

1. Trademark may consist of any such elements as: pictures, designs, three-dimensional images, figures, dates, surnames, mottos, notes or slogans. It is forbidden to use the elements in TM that are considered immoral in the world community.
2. If the TM is already represented by sounds or chants, it is necessary to create graphic logo in addition, and this is mandatory rule when registering.
3. It is not acceptable to copy the emblem or its parts from the logos of already registered and operating brands, because the foregoing will lead to the denial of registration.
4. The list of documents shall fully comply with the regulations. The package is submitted in English, German or Catalan.
5. Applicant can be citizen of Andorra or non-resident, and applications are accepted from natural persons and corporate clients.

What is the procedure of registration of trademark in Andorra

Before submitting application, the counterparty shall select one of the TM registration systems.

1. National system presupposes operation and legal protection of the brand only within the territory of Andorra. In Spain, which is the neighboring country, the trademark will not be valid, and the extension of operation to this country will require the filing of similar application and the re-provision of all documents to representatives of the Spanish jurisdiction.
2. CTM. European registration system makes it possible to establish branches in any European country after filing and approval of one application. The term of consideration is increased there, since the expert commission needs to verify your logo with the emblems of all enterprises operating in Europe.
3. International system in accordance with the Madrid Protocol. It provides the businessman with the right to establish branches in 97 countries of the world after the approval of one application. The list of states includes significant part of Europe, most of the countries of America and Asia, and certain jurisdictions in Africa and Australia.

The lawyers of Law&Trust provide free consultations to clients in chat and by phone. They will help you select the registration procedure depending on your further intentions. You can clarify detailed information about registering a brand name in Andorra in any day by sending application to the e-mail, and then you will need to expect for the lawyer's reply.

The cost of trademark registration in the Andorra

The data is relevant for today 04.03.2025 - 02:21

Country Comprehensive review Registration service Registration certificate Total
Trademark registration in Andorra
First class, Word mark OR Logo
127.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
77.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo:
183.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
122.00 USD
First class, Word mark OR Logo
1003.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
149.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
1003.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
149.00 USD
First class, Word mark OR Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
No data
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo1130.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo226.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo1186.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo271.00 USD
Comprehensive review
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
127.00 USD77.00 USD
Registration Request
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
1003.00 USD149.00 USD
Registration Certificate
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
No dataNo data
First class, Word mark OR LogoAdditional class, Word mark OR Logo
1130 USD226 USD
Comprehensive review
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
183.00 USD122.00 USD
Registration Request
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
1003.00 USD149.00 USD
Registration Certificate
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
No dataNo data
First class, Word mark AND LogoAdditional class, Word mark AND Logo
1186 USD271 USD


Step 1
Free Consultation *
During the free consultation, our experts will assist you in selecting the most optimal class under the ICGS
Step 2
Preliminary Check
Our lawyers will carry out an expert assessment of the emblem/logo/TM, ensuring it complies with the necessary requirements and the degree of resemblance between your trademark and already registered TM
Step 3
You can agree with us on the most convenient payment method
Step 6
Obtaining a Certificate
On request, the certificate of registration can be delivered to you via courier service
Step 5
The registrar reviews the application and attached documents; the procedure can be done without the client necessarily being present
Step 4
Submission of Documents
After completing a power of attorney, our specialists collect and prepare the necessary documents (including statement of use) and submit the application for trademark registration

Intellectual property law practice in figures

years in business
countries for registration of TM
registered TM and patents

Our clients on trademark registration