Registration of trademark in any country allows individualizing goods or services and attaches the rights to own it. Registered trademark will make the company recognizable, protect intellectual property and secure against counterfeit products. The first step is to submit application for registration of trademark in Mongolia.
In accordance with the international registration procedure, all your actions should comply with the provisions of the Madrid Agreement and the Protocol thereto.
The right to registering a brand name in Mongolia
In case of the national procedure, applications for registration of trademarks are submitted to the Patent Office of Mongolia. They are verified there for compliance with the prescribed rules for filing the application. The application should indicate the following:
The search among previously registered trademarks is conducted to verify your trademark for similarity or identity of the image and writing. After that, the application is published in the special news-bulletin and is examined on its merits.
After the publication, third parties have the right to raise their objections. If such objections were not raised or they were rejected, the trademark is recognized as registered. After payment of the corresponding fee and official approval, the Certificate of registration of the trademark in Mongolia is issued.
The validity of the trademark is ten years, and it may be subsequently renewed for another ten years.
All problems with filing the application, collection of the necessary documents and passage of the trademark registration procedure in Mongolia, including obtaining the Certificate, can be successfully resolved by the specialists of Law&Trust International. We will save you time and money.
The data is relevant for today 24.03.2025 - 08:39
Country | Comprehensive review | Registration service | Registration certificate | Total |
Trademark registration in Mongolia |
First class, Word mark OR Logo 172.00 USD Additional class, Word mark OR Logo 76.00 USD First class, Word mark AND Logo: No data Additional class, Word mark AND Logo No data |
First class, Word mark OR Logo 525.00 USD Additional class, Word mark OR Logo 191.00 USD First class, Word mark AND Logo No data Additional class, Word mark AND Logo No data |
First class, Word mark OR Logo 429.00 USD Additional class, Word mark OR Logo 95.00 USD First class, Word mark AND Logo No data Additional class, Word mark AND Logo No data |
First class, Word mark OR Logo1126.00 USD Additional class, Word mark OR Logo362.00 USD First class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD Additional class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD |