The cost of opening an account:
From 690 EUR
The cost of opening an account:
From 690 EUR
General information
Deutsche Handelsbank
Official site
Initially, the shareholder of the bank was the German Central Bank, and since 1968, the State Bank of the GDR (64 percent of shares), the East German foreign trade company VEB “Metallurgie GmbH” in Berlin (14.06 percent), “Verwaltungs-GmbH” (10.31 percent), “Kali-Bergbau-Handelsgesellschaft mbH” (5.63%), and “Auslands-und Rückversicherungs-AG der DDR (DARAG)” (1 percent)
English-speaking staff, German-speaking staff.
Сроки открытия для зачисления (дней):
3-4 days
Terms of opening for admission (days):
Сроки открытия для списания (дней):
3-4 days
Opening terms for cancellation (days):
Не требуется
Description of activity:
Detailed description is required
Account type:
Personal, corporate, savings
Departure to the bank:
Not required
Required documents:
Certificate of registration of the company, register of the company's shareholders (notarized copies with apostille), passport, receipt for the payment of utility services for beneficial owner, account manager, user of online banking
Account opening, probability:
Calculated and perceived
Transaction speed:
Within 1 working day
Services and costs
Cost of translation:
more than 13000 EUR - 1, 5 percent from the amount of transfer (incoming and outgoing)
Cost of enrollment:
See tariffs below
Cost of account maintenance:
9.90 EUR per month
Credit card restrictions:
No information
Insurance for credit cards:
Access to the account:
Bank services:
Savings and settlement accounts, merchant accounts