How to open a business in the Poland?

Бизнес в Польше

Have you decided to start a business in Poland? This is the right decision. Poland is located in the centre of transit financial flows, between Western and Eastern Europe. Today the state is attractive due to the simplicity of doing business. More and more customers turn to specialists with a simple question: how to organize business in Poland?

Business in Poland

Soon within the territory of Poland Euro will be introduced into the official turnover, so the national legislation is adapted to European standards. Business established in Europe and business in Poland enjoys the same rights and benefits, namely:

  1. Concessional Lending.
  2. Flexible tax policy.
  3. Cheap labour resources.
  4. Stable economy.
  5. Low bureaucracy and corruption.
  6. Simplified and understandable procedure for company registration.
  7. Possibility of acquiring a residence permit.
  8. Access to numerous programs to support developing business.

Operation of any business entity is governed by two  basic laws:

  1. «On Economic Activity».
  2. «On Freedom of Entrepreneurial Activity». 

Opening of Business in Poland

The legislation of Poland provides for the following organizational and legal forms of companies, characterized by a system of management and responsibility:

  1. Private businessman.
    • The founder is an individual who is liable to the full extent of its property.
  2. Joint-stock company.
    • Established by two or more participants. Liability extends to the property of the company.
  3. Limited liability company.
    • The most common form. Liability is on the firm's property and authorized capital.

In other companies, the liability extends to the personal property of the founders.
A citizen of any country, who has reached the appropriate age and is conscious of own actions, may open a business in Poland.
Structurally, opening of business in Poland is allowed to the following categories:

  1. Citizens of the European Union, as well as of Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and the CIS, who signed the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union.
  2. Persons who received in Poland documents of permanent residence or residence permit card.
  3. Persons possessing the CARD OF A POLE.
  4. Persons recognized as refugees.

Registration of business in Poland implies different approaches in the method of conducting business, varying by directions for:

  1. Doing business (within the territory of Poland).
  2. Expansion of the regional network of own enterprise in Poland.
  3. Business immigration.
  4. Minimization of complexities in cooperation with Polish partners.
  5. Tax optimization.

Registration of a company in Poland can be carried out remotely, excluding the immediate presence of the founder in the country. Depending on the chosen method,  the following types of registration are distinguished in Poland:

  1. Electronic form.
  2. Notarial form.

The electronic registration form applies certain templates, there is no need to make changes to the charter papers. The procedure takes significantly short time, up to 3 days, and does not require the personal presence of the owner in the country when establishing the firm.

Notorial registration of business in Poland is required  for making amendments in standard forms of constituent documents. The term is a bit longer than in case of e-registration, the founder has to be permanently present, but this is not always convenient.
In some cases, it is permissible to make a simple registration, and subsequently make the necessary changes in the constituent documents by the notary.

There are three tax systems in Poland:

  1. On general grounds.
    • A certain amount of income is paid at a fixed rate. If the income exceeds the rate increases.
  2. Linear tax.
    • The tax rate is fixed, but there is no possibility to enjoy the benefits.
  3. Fixed turnover tax.
    • Simplified form. The tax rate is low. Income should not exceed certain amount.

For more detailed information on the cost and the necessary actions in establishing your own company, about the possibilities of acquiring the company as a ready-made business in Poland, please contact our specialists. Getting detailed advice minimizes financial risks and creates successful business.