registration of legal entity

Cost of registration The cost of the second year Number of Directors Corporate tax rates Payment of Charter Capital Financial statements
2290.00 USD 2190.00 USD 1 16.50% 1.00 Yes
Cost of registrationПотому что...
The cost of the second year: 


The first and most important step in starting your international business is to properly construct your future company structure, that meets your needs and the legal requirements of local jurisdiction as well. It is important to take into consideration all the pros and cons of your proposed business vehicle and compare them to your business goals.

Before making a choice, it is necessary to answer the following key questions.

  1. What are your current and future business needs?
  2. What is the size of your business?
  3. What capital is required to set up your business? 
  4. Do you need any third-party investors?
  5. Can your business potentially attract such third-party investors?
  6. What are the start-up procedures, costs, time frame and other requirements?
  7. What are the tax implications in choosing a particular business vehicle?
  8. What are your current and future business needs?

Lawyers of Law&Trust International provide services of company formation in more than 140 countries across the globe, including Hong Kong in particular. By understanding your goals and anticipating your needs. Our professionals, who possess expert knowledge of local business, guarantee efficiency and professionalism at all stages of the Hong Kong company set up. Law&Trust International also provides full range of legal, corporate, government, and business intelligence related services.

Advantages of business formation in Hong Kong

hong kong company incorporation

Hong Kong is an autonomous territory located on the southern coast of China. Its proper name is Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. Hong Kong is a major financial and commercial centre, where business registration is possible for non-residents from any country. Hong Kong is not an offshore jurisdiction and formation of an offshore company in Hong Kong is technically impossible . However, it is possible to set up a non-taxable company in Hong Kong, which will have some characteristics of an offshore counterpart.

Almost any local Hong Kong company can opt for a preferential tax regime that minimizes losses from taxation and because of that Hong Kong company may be similar to a traditional offshore company, e.g. the one that is set up in Seychelles. Although, such similarity does not mean equality. A Hong Kong company must submit an audit once a year, regardless of its tax status. Taxation of Hong Kong companies is unique in that it is based on the source of profit. As long as a Hong Kong company does not conduct any business in Hong Kong, and does not generate any income that is related to Hong Kong, such a company may apply for a Tax Exemption and will be taxable in Hong Kong at the rate of 0%. Because of this,  a company registered in Hong Kong does not have the reputation of an offshore, so potential worldwide partners will more likely establish business relationships with such a company. 

Registration of a non-taxable company in Hong Kong, as it has been mentioned above, is possible only if the local tax authority grants a Tax Exemption to such a company. In order to obtain said Tax Exemption offshore companies  in Hong Kong must keep complete accounting records and be audited annually. Furthermore, a company that had received the Tax Exemption, shall not conclude transactions with local companies and provide services or sell goods in Hong Kong.

However, if conditions mentioned above are not fulfilled, the company will be obliged to pay taxes in full at the rate of 16,5%. Take note that for all Hong Kong companies, preparation of audited accounts is required . However, the accounts are not publicly accessible and can only be obtained by third parties either following shareholders’ decision or a court ruling.

It is also important to know that a company with 100% foreign capital is not restricted from enjoying such instruments as loans, dividends, royalties, etc. Furthermore, there is no foreign currency control and non-residents are eligible for a unique procedure of credits or loans obtaining after establishing a company in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Company Formation Requirements

Registration of a company in Hong Kong in the form of a Limited Liability Company (LLC)  may be performed remotely and under the simplified system , since legislation of the jurisdiction does not welcome severe bureaucratic formalities:  

  • There is no minimum authorized share capital for Limited companies.
  • It is necessary to pay up at least one (or more) share (s) of the nominal value of $1 Hong Kong Dollar; shares are purchased as part of the contribution to the initial capital of the company,
  • A minimum of one shareholder residing in any country is required to form a Limited company,
  •  At least one director in a Limited company must be appointed who can be a citizen and resident in any country, but not a legal entity, 
  • It is neccessary to appoint a secretary for a Hong Kong Limited company. Only Chinese citizens can be designated as secretaries of a company. The position has to be takеn bу either a Hоng Kоng реrmanеnt rеѕіdеnt or a Hоng Kong Cоmрanу,    
  • The process of incorporation involves getting a legal address on the territory of Hong Kong,
  • English is the second language of Hong Kong and can be used in all company documents,
  • Hong Kong does not impose any specific requirements for company naming, apart from its uniqueness (a Hong Kong Limited company must not use a name resembling any other Hong Kong company). The name has to be in Chinese and English languages, provided, however, it is possible to use a mixed name. Our experts recommend  providing several names for approval in case one or more names are rejected due to non-uniqueness or any other reason, 
  • Hong Kong, as a common law jurisdiction, allows the use of nominee directors and /or nominee shareholders. It is allowed and will not harm your business reputation,
  • The process of formation takes up to a month, but it is possible to accelerate the procedure if needed.

company formation services in hong kong

Our Company Formation Services in Hong Kong

Law&Trust lawyers provide complete support company formation process in Hong Kong. Our deep technical expertise earned through years of experience include:

  1. Company name check for uniqueness and compliance with applicable laws of Hong Kong,
  2. Collection of documents, and, if necessary, their translation,
  3. KYC procedure, 
  4. Preparation of required official documents,
  5. Document submission to the register of companies,
  6. We will notify you once the company is incorporated,
  7. You may pick up company documents in our office or we may deliver them to you by courier service.


  • How to register a company in Hong Kong?

Registering a company in Hong Kong is done by filing an application to the Hong Kong Company Registry. Law and Trust International provide clearly defined details on how to register your company in Hong Kong. 

  • What are the company incorporation requirements in Hong Kong?

The following are needed when planning to register a company in Hong Kong:

  1. Incorporation Form (Form NNC1 for a company limited by shares)
  2. A copy of the company’s articles of association
  3. Notice to Business Registration Office (IRBR1)
  4. Certificate of Incorporation and Business registration 
  • How long does it take to register a company in Hong Kong?

Registering a company in Hong Kong could take as long as a week.  

  • How much does it cost to register a company in Hong Kong?

The cost of registering a company for the first year is $2290 while from the second year, it costs $2190.


  • Full range of related services: Provision of a full range of legal, corporate, government, and business intelligence related services.
  • Professionals and expertise of Law: Worldwide registration and legal maintenance of companies, accounting services and audit, tax planning and optimization, trademark and patent registration, and many more. Top professionals are always available to help your business.
  • Thorough domestic service: No matter where you decide, be rest assured we got the location covered.
  • Free initial advice: Lawyers of Law and Trust provide free initial advice, as well as services for analyzing and developing a legal position on the issue you have raised.
  • Fast and safe: Law&Trust keeps every clients’ details secured.
  • Efficiency and productivity: Strategically providing up to date personalized services to help your business succeed.


If you are interested in setting up a Hong Kong company, lawyers of Law and Trust International can help. Write us an email or simply call now to take the next step in your business!

Set of documents
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Business Registration Certificate
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Apostille of the bound set of copies of Constitutive documents
  • Register of Directors
  • Register of Secretaries
  • Registers of Members and Share Ledger
  • Forms to be filed with the Companies registry indicating the first Director Shareholders registered Address Secretaries
  • Share Certificates
  • Bought and Sold notes
Nominee director and shareholder
  • Resolution effecting the issuing the Power of Attorney
  • Apostilled Power of Attorney
  • Consent Letter
  • Director Resignation Letter
  • Nominee Director’s Declaration
  • Resolution effecting the change Director
  • Deed of Trust
  • Instrument of Transfer

General information
Square1 104.00
Population7 153 520.00
Telephone code852
Place in the world in corruption12
locationEastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea and China
ClimateSubtropical monsoon; cool and humid in winter, hot and rainy from spring through summer, warm and sunny in fall; avg. maximum temperature (July) +35°; avg. minimum temperature (January) +15°
Literacy rate93.50%
National currencyHong Kong dollar
USD exchange rate7.76
GDP per capita10
Credit ratingAAA
The judiciaryCourt of Final Appeal, the High Court (Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance), district courts, magistrates' courts and other specialized courts
Executive authorityHead of government: Chief Executive. Government: Executive Council, composed of 15 official members and 14 informal
Legislative authoritiesunicameral legislature, the Council (60 seats)
Corporate information
Opportunity to purchase ready-made companiesYes
Legal systembased on English Common Law
Terms of purchasing ready-made company?
The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in the nameNo
Local registered officeYes
Terms of registration5-7 working days
Indication of BPA in the nameLimited
Prohibited expressions in the nameDepartment, Government, Commission, Bureau, Federation, Council, Authority; Bank, Stock Exchange, Unified Exchange; Assurance, Insurance, Re-insurance; Certified Public Accountant (C.P.A.), Public Accountant (P.A.); Building Society, Chamber of Commerce, Cooperative, Kaifong, Mass Transit, Municipal, Savings, Tourist Association, Trust, Trustee, Underground Railway
Local registered agentNo
The information required to be kept at the registered officeA register of directors and secretaries; register of shareholders; Book reports of general meetings, meetings of directors or managers; register of debenture holders; copies of documents about the origin of collateral or mortgage obligations, subject to registration; register pledges, etc.
Shares and share capital
Standard currencyHong Kong Dollar
The minimum amount of paid-in capital, nat. currency1
The minimum amount of the issued capital1
Bearer sharesNo
Terms of payment of the issued capitalImmediately after the release, or in the terms stipulated by the terms of issue and specified in the relevant decision on the issue
Terms of capital paymentNo restrictions
Usual nominal value of shares1 Hong Kong Dollar
Possibility to issue shares without par valueNo
Basic corporate tax rate16.50%
Capital gains taxNo
Withholding taxDividends and interest - none; royalty - yes
Currency controlNo
The tax on personal incomeProgressive scale with rates ranging from 2% to 17%, the basic rate - 15%
Corporate tax rates detailsAs from year of assessment 2018/19, profits tax levied at 8.25% rate (7.5% for unincorporated businesses) on the first HKD 2 million of assessable profits and at 16.5% rate (15% for unincorporated businesses) on remainder for companies carrying on business in Hong Kong on relevant income earned in or derived from Hong Kong.
Government dutyno
Stamp dutyYes
Other taxesCapital tax, real estate tax, social security contributions.
Director and Secretary
Minimum number of directors1
The requirement for residency directorsNo
Director of legal entities are allowedYes
The data reveals to the local agentYes
Data field to the public registryYes
Meeting / regularity / placeNo restrictions
The requirement for the presence of the SecretaryYes
Requirement to the residense of the SecretaryYes
Requirements to qualification of the SecretaryNo
Legal entity as the SecretaryYes
Shareholder and beneficiary
Minimum number of shareholders1
Data is entered in the public registerYes
Shareholders residency requirementNo
Information about the beneficiary is disclosedNo
Information may be disclosed to the local agentYes
Shareholders-legal entities are acceptableYes
Meeting / regularity / placeYes / annually / no restrictions
The requirement for filing reportsYes
Open access to reportsNo
Statutory auditYes
The requirement for filing Annual ReturnYes
Open access to the Annual ReturnYes
The requirement for reportsYes
Treaty on avoidance of double taxation (States which signed)4
Membership in the OECDNo
Is it offshore according to Russian legislationYes
Trademark Registration
TM Comprehensive Study
First Class Additional Class
90.00 USD72.00 USD
TM Registration Request
First Class Additional Class
495.00 USD 261.90 USD
TM Registration Certificate
First Class Additional Class
0.00 0.00
First Class Additional Class
585.00 USD 333.90 USD
TM Comprehensive Study TM Registration Request TM Registration Certificate Total
First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class First Class Additional Class
90.00 72.00 495.00 261.90 0.00 0.00 585.00 USD 333.90 USD
«TRADEMARK» refers to «Wordmark» or «Logo»

180.00 144.00 990.00 522.90 0.00 0.00 585.00 USD 666.90 USD
«TRADEMARK» refers to «Wordmark+ Logo»

Prices include all professional and official fees. If the change of official duties or exchange rates prices may vary.

In Hong Kong, in order to optimally protect a "Trade Mark ™ and Logo", 2 (two) separate applications are required. Therefore, the price is twice the cost of the application, because both the logo and TM are priced separately. Also, if you request a comprehensive test of Chinese characters, it will cost $ 125 per class.