Company registration in DUBAI KNOWLEDGE VILLAGE (DKV)

The existence of free economic zones in the territory of the United Arab Emirates enables foreign founders to register company in DKV promptly and with minimal financial expenses. The said district is intended for the establishment of educational institutions and companies on personnel management.

The FEZ was established in 2003, and today about 450 organizations are registered within its borders.

Advantages of registration when applying to Law & Trust International

  • The registration term of the company in DUBAI KNOWLEDGE VILLAGE takes up to 25 days. When trying to establish company by yourself, the duration of the procedure can be two or three times longer because of the applicant's ignorance of the country's legislative standards;
  • The registration process is not designed only to the new companies. Our lawyers provide assistance when establishing subsidiaries and branches;
  • Complete legal maintenance guarantees positive result. The companies having complete package of documents and having opportunity to contribute the authorized capital in the amount of 13,700 US dollars are admitted to the registration procedure.

It is possible to obtain detailed consultation from your own office. You can apply for assistance in the legal sphere by phone, mail or in chat of our company. Our experts have extensive working experience, long-term cooperation with the authorized bodies of the UAE, as well as knowledge of all the changes in the legislative norms of the country.